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HALLOWEEN. LUCINDA BRISTOW'S FAVORITE NIGHT OF THE YEAR. It wasn't the fun parties or the sweet candy that induced sugar comas that she looked forward to or the cute kids that ran around the neighborhood from noon to evening, but it was the fact that she could be anyone she wanted to be. Anyone but herself.

Luce was tired of being a scared girl in a scary world with a fear of what lurked in the dark and no way to get out of the crappy town she lived in. She was tired of living a boring and bland continuous routine that slowly turned her life to gray.

She wanted out. Luckily, Halloween was the perfect escape route.

The halls of Hawkins were alive and bustling today as news of Tina's party spread from mouth to mouth. Luce trudged through Hawkins's bustling hallways to her locker where Kimberly Moore happened to be waiting.

Kim was Luce's pretty dark haired friend who liked to wear sweaters and read all the newest novels that the Hawkins library had to offer. She was sweet and kind, and never had a mean word to say about anyone. Luce only wished she could think so positively.

"You look tired today." Kim called as Luce approached her locker. Kim's arm tightened around her binder and notebooks as she leaned against the lockers behind her, "Well, I mean, you look tired everyday, but you look extra tired today." She added, but Luce knew she was just joking.

"Oh, shut up." Luce rolled her eyes before sighing loudly, "I stayed up all night watching Friday the 13th."

"That's the one movie you'll never get me to watch."

"It's not even scary, Kim, you're just imagining your fear." Luce grabbed her English textbook from her cluttered locker that desperately needed a cleaning job.

"Maybe I am, but at least I'm not watching people get chopped up and murdered." She replied just as the warning bell rang for class. The two started walking together toward their first hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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