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Not proof readdddddd

New Jersey, Two Days Later
Rhiya's Room

Mattia's POV
Rhiya took out this book with 400 Writing Prompts. She said my day sounds boring?!

"Stop looking at me like that! You won't find it boring, promise." Now I really don't wanna use this book. "Ok, first question: Write your own positive quote about growing older."

"That's not a question."

"Just answer." I sighed over-dramatically and started thinking.

"Uhhhh... growing older. Um, the older you get the more ways you figure out how to make a girl scream-"

"Moving on. You're a magician. What is your stage name and what is your featured trick?"

"Um, my stage name is Coochie Man. My featured trick is making you cum in less than-"

"Mattia! Can you take this seriously?!" She laughed.

"I'm serious though!" She sighed and flipped through some pages, looking for another question.

"Have you ever quit anything you started and later regretted it? What was it?" I stopped reaching out to you after you left. I also never told you how I felt earlier than I'd like to. "Tia?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking. Um, I regret fingering you in the car and not taking it farther-"

"You know what, you're not allowed to talk anymore. Ask me questions." She handed me the book and I sighed.

"Ummm, how has your imagination helped you? Oh wait, I have a great answer for this one-"

"Go to another page."

I flipped through some pages and found another question. "In what way are you fragile? After you orga-" She took the book from me and shut it.

"Can you take this seriously?"

"Fine. I'll give boring answers now." She opened up the book again and read another question.

"What is something you're currently saving money for? How important is it to you?"

"I can't say."

"Why not?"

"Cause it's something for you. It's a surprise though. Oh, and it's very important to me."

"What? You don't have to get me anything, especially if you have to save up for it."

"Next question please."

"Mattia, don't get it, I'll be fine."

"Next caller!" I laughed.

"If you get me something expensive I'm gonna kill you. I don't want you spending your money on me."

"Which makes me wanna spend it on you even more. Come on, what's the next question?"

"Ok, ok. Who is the biggest influence in your life right now?"

"That's easy, you."

"Explain your answer please."

"Uhh, I always spend my time with you, and when we're not together we're always talking."


"What are you sorry for?"

"Taking up all your time. I don't wanna be annoying-"

"You're not. I love spending time with you." Wait, I didn't mean to say that last part out loud.

"I like spending time with you too." Why did she say like? Why didn't she say love? I said love- "Ok ask me some questions." She handed me the book and I flipped through some pages with a neutral expression on my face. "What's wrong?"

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