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"—then I told her that if she didn't start smiling, the frown would become glued to her face and everyone would be scared of her instead," Togata finished telling his rather strange story to the three of us. Honestly, I think I zoned out of his story about ten minutes ago.

"Did she start smiling?" Nejire asked, she was completely invested in the story Togata was saying while Amajiki sat silently next to the blonde and I sat with a book happily held between my hands.

It was a pretty good book.

"Yes!" Togata nodded enthusiastically, "it was a beautiful sight to see."

"Y-your smile i-is contagious," Amajiki managed to stutter out, his head bowed down.

"I must agree," I looked up from my book to chime in, "Togata, you have a smile that just lights up any room that you enter. It's rather impressive. Being around you makes me want to smile all the time too."

Nejire and Amajiki both nodded along while Togata gave me a dumbfounded look before a large smile spread across his face again.

It's kind of embarrassing to say but it's honestly true. Maybe his quirk is actually just contagious smiles.

"Really? I'm glad you think so!" Togata beamed, "I want to be a hero who's smile can chase anyone's fears away even if it's just for a moment."

Yeah. That seems like him. I love that.

"Like All Might?" Nejire asked, the blonde boy nodded.

"I'm sure you'll become a great beacon of hope in the future," I said before turning my gaze back to the book in my hands, reaching out to grabbing coffee as I flipped the page.

"Mikhail, is that you?" a voice piped up from behind me, I found myself choking on my drink as I spun around to see my stepdad.

My mood suddenly becoming rather foul.

"Uh—what're you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm getting coffee," Loùis stated.

"No. I mean in Japan," I grumbled, "obviously you're here for coffee if you're here."

"Business trip," was all I got in return, "are these your friends?"

"I guess... Why do you care?" I raised a brow.

During the years I've known Loùis, I've always been extremely stand-offish to the guy. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that the man loves my mother with every fibre of his being, but I don't like the fact that he was my stepdad. To me, I already had a Dad, I didn't need a second one and he spent a good majority of my childhood years in America trying to be my Dad. Sure, my actual Dad had little to no interaction with me and with raising me once we left but no matter what, he's still my Dad. Loùis is not. And I really don't appreciate him attempting to push my Dad out of my life. Thankfully, he stopped trying so hard when I turned thirteen, but he still kept trying from time to time which is just pushing too many boundaries of mine.

As if sensing the tension between the two of us, or more like just around me, Togata stood up and offered a hand to Loùis.

"I'm Mirio Togata," he introduced himself, his English wasn't perfect, but it was understandable, "over there is Tamaki Amajiki and other there is Ne—"

Over, not other, Togata... good try though.

"Nejire Hado, sir," Nejire cut the smiling blonde off, "your son is an amazing guy."

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