Episode 15

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The big night has arrived, and both Staz and Fuyumi were excited.
Fuyumi's friends were so happy for her, telling her they knew it will happen and gave her tips for tonight. Staz's friends gave him tips too, and told him they count on him that he'll bring Fuyumi back to them. Fuyumi wore a black skirt with a fancy dark purple shirt which really flattered her chest (and she totally knew it). Staz wore khaki pants with the shirt with the three eyes in a column he and Fuyumi bought in the palatial cavern. He hoped that it will help her remember...
They both put on perfume. They both choked from it. They both put on more anyway.
Staz looked at his bulletin board, at the place with the missing photo. Tonight I will bring her back to me. Fuyumi held in her hands the photo of her and Staz, looking on it. Tonight I will understand.
He left his room. She waited.


At 9 P.M Staz knocked on the door of Fuyumi's house. He knew that if it wasn't for her he would probably be late. She opened the door. She looked amazing.
"Hi Staz!" She smiled a huge smile, happy that he's here and this exciting night can begin. 
"Hey, you look great!" He told her.
"Thank you!" She looked at his shirt. "Nice shirt."
"Thank you! We bought it at the palatial cavern."
"Never mind!" He smiled. "Ready to go?"
"Hello, Staz- kun." Fuyumi's dad appeared behind her.
"Hello Mr. Yanagi! How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you. You two have fun tonight," he looked at Staz and smiled. "And don't come home too late, ok?"
Fuyumi was embarrassed, but Staz smiled and promised he'll bring her home early.

They took a bus and went downtown. They chose to sit in an Italian restaurant.
"Would it be weird if I'll have a hamburger at an Italian restaurant?" Staz asked when they set in front of each other and looked at the menu.
Fuyumi smirked. "With you everything is weird Staz- san. But sure, why not."
So he ordered a hamburger and Fuyumi ordered a sweet potato ravioli.
The food was really good and they had a nice talk. When they finished, the waiter asked them if they want a dessert but they refused, paid for the food, and left the restaurant.
The night was warm but comfortable for a walk, the street lights were on, and Staz and Fuyumi walked close to each other. "I think we should have ordered a dessert." Staz said.
"I think you're right." Fuyumi said, then pointed at an ice cream shop. "Do you want ice cream?"
"Sure." He smiled.
They both bought cherry flavor ice cream in a waffle, and they both secretly was happy that the other likes this flavor too. They decided to sit on a bench and eat. After a few minutes of sitting and chattering, Staz saw that Fuyumi's ice cream started to melt.
"Oh wait! Youe ice cream is melting." He said, then wiped with his thumb the ice cream that dripped on the waffle. "Saved it." He said smiling, showing her the red liquid on his thumb.
Then, automatically, Fuyumi opened her mouth and put Staz's thumb into her mouth.
They were both quiet. Fuyumi sucked his thumb and then let it go. She wasn't looking at him. Staz was in shock like he never had at the time he's in the human world. Can it be? that she rememberes?
But Fuyumi wasn't shocked. Because she knew, she knew she did it because it is something  that was important to her for quite a long time. She got up.
"Staz. I need you to come home with me. Now."


Fuyumi throw her ice cream to the garbage, and so did Staz. They walked to the bus stop and took the bus to Fuyumi's home. Through all the ride they stayed quiet.
Staz was a bit nervous. Why is she taking him to her house? Why isn't she saying anything? Should he say anything?
They got off the bus and started to walk. They arrived to her house and went in. Her father was asleep so they tried not to wake him up when they went up the stairs. They entered her room and she closed the door.
"What is it?" Staz finally asked her. "Is everything ok?"
"I need to show you something." Fuyumi said. She sounded not mad, but determind.
She went to her closet and opened the drawer. She took the photo out of it and showed it to Staz.
He was speechless. It was the photo. The one of both of them, from the party after the battle, the one that he thought he lost.
"You had it?? all this time?" He asked her with astonishment.
"This photo." Fuyumi said in a determind voice, holding the photo in front of Staz. "I found it in the pocket of my shirt one day, I felt really weird at that morning and then I found it. I was very confused because I had no idea who is the guy who's hugging me there and I also had no memorie of taking that picture. And in exact same day- you appeared in my class. The new student from the demon world. And I had no idea why am I feeling so attracted to you and why you keep being around me, but now after everything we've been through after all those weeks I know," She paused. All this time Staz was quiet, exciting from the inside, and let Fuyumi to talk. "Something happened. I don't know what, and how I can't remember it but I know something happened. Because that's you and me at the photo, Staz. And I know you know what's going on. You... remember something I don't. Staz- san, I was... dead? Was I at the demon world? I know you know... so now you're going to tell me everything!"
Staz let air out of his lungs. He waited for this moment for so long. "Yes." He told her. "Something happened and you don't remember. Something big. That's why I couldn't just come and tell you, because there's no way you would believe me. So I had to do it slowly, step by step. But now I can tell you the whole truth. Fuyumi... please sit. It's comlicated. And long."

They set together on Fuyumi's bed, Fuyumi still holding the photo in her hands.
He told her everything. How they met, how she died, how they met their friends, her mom... how they trained and fought against Akim- Hellschaft Grimm and won thanks to Fuyumi. How they resurrected her... how she forgot. And how Staz decided to fight to bring her back to him.
"I didn't want that you'll need to choose," he said. "Between us and your dad. So... I didn't tell you what might happen. I'm sorry... but I did all this so you could have a life as a human and... have me with you too."
At first she said nothing, just stared at the photo. "All this time... since you came to my class," she finally said. "There was a voice inside my head that told me I should trust you, believe you even when you said the most craziest things. I hade weird dreams almost every night... like there was another Fuyumi inside of me that somehow knew things I didn't..."
"That's what I hoped would happen." He smiled, but she still looked confused, staring at the photo.
"But all of this is so... impossible." She said.
Staz realized that even though he's telling her the truth, even though she had signs by herself, Fuyumi couldn't understand what she has been through. And now he doesn't know what to do anymore. But Fuyumi knows.
"Staz- san," She said. "I need you to take me to the demon world. As soon as possible. Even now. I have to know."
"I would love to take you there!" He said with a big smile. He looked at the clock- it was almost midnight. "But now it's too late, so what about tomorrow? Skip school and I'll take you there first thing on the morning."
She agreed, and they decided Staz will come to get her tomorrow, after her dad will go to work.
Before Staz left he asked her: "Can I hug you?"
She agreed, and they hugged. Fuyumi was a bit surprised about how tightly he's hugging her.
Staz let go of the hug and held her arms. "I'll see you tomorrow morming. Until then, don't forget me, ok?"

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