19 - Can I Hold Your Hand

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A/N Let's say this one-shot is maybe Malec's fifth date.

Magnus was looking at his full-length mirror, judging how he looked. Magnus concluded that he looked decent, with formal black trousers, a white shirt (top two buttons undone) and a silky green tailcoat. His hair was in spikes, some glitter in them, his eyeliner was bold and his eyeshadow was a shade deeper than his tailcoat. He had a silver stud in one ear, a silver chain dangling of his neck and his fingers were bare of all but two silver rings. Happy with his look, Magnus threw himself on the sofa and magicked himself a drink. Now only Alec was missing on their date night.

Alec buzzed up, requesting entrance to Magnus' apartment. Magnus' voice came.


"Alec," the Shadowhunter answered, but instead of the door opening and letting him in, Magnus bounded down the stairs, looking simply stunning. Alec opened his mouth, his throat going dry, and then closed it again.

"Alexander!" Magnus said happily, "How are you?" Magnus tugged on Alec's elbow and leaned down, placing a light kiss on Alec's cheek. Alec blushed.

"I'm good, how are you?" he asked Magnus.

"Simply elated," Magnus answered, "After all, I am taking a lovely gentleman out to dinner." Alec blushed harder and both of them started walking, making their way to a restaurant or a night-club. Magnus kept up his chipper conversations and Alec replied, keeping his answers straightforward and simple.

Magnus looked at Alec from the corner of his eyes. The cold had given some colour to Alec's pale face and Magnus had an urge to press closer, to take Alec's hand in his or to just randomly kiss him. But Magnus couldn't do any of those things. Alec was new to everything and Magnus would not be the one to scare him away.

Alec noticed Magnus looking at him regularly and his breathing sped up. His cheeks were turning hot and Alec, completely acting on a mad rush to be closer to Magnus, reached out and took Magnus' hand in his. And then abruptly pulled it out again and looked at Magnus, stopping dead, embarrassment crashing down on him.

"Sorry, I - I don't know what came over me," Alec stammered and then vigorously shook his head. In the end, he looked Magnus dead in the eye and with a hitching breath he asked, "Can I hold your hand?"

A look of surprise passed Magnus' face and Alec thought: this is it, I've ruined everything. But he was proven wrong when Magnus reached out his hand and Alec took it, his scarred hands pressing against Magnus' lean and smooth ones. Magnus also came considerably closer to Alec and leaned against him and Alec felt his body turn to liquid. This is what it's like, he thought, to care for someone and have them care back.

Magnus started walking and they were walking in comfortable silence, Magnus keeping a firm hold on Alec's hand.

"You know, Alexander," Magnus said finally and Alec jumped slightly, "All this time, I was hoping you'd want to."

"Want to what?" Alec asked, puzzled.

"Hold hands, walk close together," Magnus explained, "I thought, maybe, you were scared of what others would think and I wasn't going to force anything on you. But if I'd know that you'd be okay with it, trust me, I'd have reached for your hand a lot sooner."

Alec chuckled softly before replying, "No... It's just I didn't know whether you'd want me to and I just felt like I'd do something wrong if - if I did try and hold your hand."

"Nonsense," Magnus tutted, "I'll like everything you do. No dirty meaning implied unless you want it to be implied." 

Alec blushed, held back a rough cough and turned to look at a grinning Magnus.

"Jokes," the warlock said casually and tightened his hold on Alec's hand, planning on never letting go.

"Very funny," Alec said disapprovingly but he was grinning.

"And Alexander?" Magnus said. Alec hummed, waiting for what Magnus was going to say. "I never answered your question: of course you can hold my hand whenever you'd like. I'd be honoured if you did."

"Oh... Yeah... Erm thanks?" Alec stuttered, not knowing how to reply to that. Magnus only laughed, held onto Alec's calloused hand, loving the feel of Alec's palm against his own, as they entered the restaurant Magnus had chosen, still holding hands and stubbornly not letting go.

A/N I really hope you liked this part! Please comment, vote and share!

Lots of love, IC XXXXXX❤💕

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