Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through the window of the hotel room. I sat up and looked around the room, no one else was here and the bed looked like it hadn't been slept in. I knew that it wasn't rare most of the girls had boyfriends or husbands in the company and usually stayed with them. I decided to get up and get ready. There weren't any shows until tomorrow so I didn't have to go to the arena. I put my bag on my bed and pulled out some gym clothes which consisted of black leggings, a black sports bar, and a pink crop top that had a skull on it. After I was changed I put on some pink gym shoes. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail before grabbing my room key and leaving.

I reached the lobby and left the building. We were in Florida so it was beautiful outside. I didn't know where I was going so I just picked a direction and set off. I was walking for about 5 minutes when a gym came into view. Quickly crossing the street I suddenly reached the gym. I walked through the door and signed in at the front desk before stepping into the gym. I made a b-line for the treadmills. I turned it on as I started jogging. Cardio wasn't my main focus today I just using the machine to get a warm up in. I jogged for about 15 minutes before I shut it off. I walked over to the weights. I put about twenty pounds on the bar before I set it on my shoulders. I backed up a bit and started squatting with said weights. I was on my tenth squat before someone came up to me.

"Hey stranger." A man said sitting on the weight bench near me. I turned my head to see who it was.

"Hey Christian." I said continuing with my squats. The goal was to get to twenty before I added more weight.

"How are you?" He asked as I set the bar down preparing to add more weight.

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked giving him my full attention before I started the next set of squats.

"I'm good thanks." He told me "so what are you up to today besides this?" He asked gesturing to the gym.

"Nothing really, just gonna head back to my room later and relaxing." I told him not really having anything planned for the day.

"Well if you want me and a few other people are gonna go out tonight if you wanna come with." He told me I just smiled at him

"I would, but I actually can't" I told him getting ready to grab my weights again.

"Why not?" He asked in confusion

"Well I'm guessing you mean going to a bar, correct?" I asked as he nodded "can't go to a bar" I finished.

"Why can't you go to the bar?" He asked watching me as I did some more squats.

"Because I'm only 19, gotta be 21 to go to the bar." I informed him doing another squat.

"Bullshit" was all he said not believing me.

"All truth, I'm only 19, scouts honor." I told him as he continued to watch me. I finished with that set before he spoke again.

"How do I know your not lying?" He asked. I mockingly grabbed my heart as if he had hurt my feelings. I held up a finger signaling to give me a second with I grabbed my wallet from one of the pockets on the leggings. I pulled out my ID which showed I was indeed 19. His mouth fell open as he looked at the ID. He handed it back to me.

"If your 19, how are you already in the WWE?" He asked when he regained himself.

"I won the RAW diva search." I told him as I put all the weights away. My legs felt like they were on fire. I proceeded to walk to the elliptical machine, Christian followed close behind me.

"So you don't have any in-ring experience?" He questioned getting on the machine next to me.

"Not really, I just started training a month ago when I started traveling with the company. I'm just trying to learn as much as I can before I even consider having a match. Watching up close helps quite a bit." I told him as I increased my speed a bit.

"That's actually pretty smart. When I started there was this one kid who thought he knew everything about the business. He had a match against one of the vets of the promotion, and he decided to try a suicide dive on the experienced man. He miscalculated and ended up landing in his neck outside of the ring and he snapped it. He ended up paralyzed." Christian told me as he kept up with my pace. I couldn't help but feel saddened by the story.

"That's horrible." I told him

"Yeah, it just proves not to rush into anything before you know all the facts." He said slowing down on his machine.

"Very true." I told him staying at the same pace. I only had a few minutes left on this machine.

"You know I could teach you a few tricks in the ring if you'd like." He told me stopping his machine.

"I might have to take you up on that." I told him with a smile as I slowed my machine down. Christian waved to someone from the other side of the gym. I looked to who it was, only to see Edge walking over to us.

"Hey man" Christian said giving his tag partner a quick hug.

"Hey dude, what's up?" Edge asked as he pulled his hair into a low ponytail.

"Nothing much, just talking to my new friend." Christian said motioning to me. I had just gotten off my machine. I gave a small wave as a form of hello.

"Well hello, I'm Edge. What's your name?" Edge asked giving me his attention.

"I'm Kailee, nice to meet you." I told him.

"Wait I know you! Your that girl who got speared by Test, right?" Edge said with an excitement in his voice.

"Yeah that was me. First night out there and I managed to get speared." I told him with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah that was a hard hit" Edge said with a slight smile.

"I was just telling Kailee that if she would like, if show her some moves in the ring." Christian told the other blonde man. Edge nodded his head in approval.

"Well I'll let you boys get to your workout, I'm gonna go get some water." I told them both.

"Well it was nice to meet you." Edge told me with a toothy grin

"I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Christian asked. I gave him a small smile and a thumbs up before I walked to the front to grab a water. I heard a commotion behind me a turned around. I saw Edge with a headlock on Christian, I laughed at the two before turning around. I grabbed a water bottle and took a big swig. I saw a portion of the gym with no equipment just floor space and decided to walk over to it.

I sat on the floor and began stretching out my legs. After a couple of different stretches I got up and grabbed a medicine ball that was along the wall. I sat back down and started doing sit-ups while holding the medicine ball above my head. I did 45 sit-up before I stopped. My abdomen literally felt like it was on fire. I finally stood up and put the ball away and grabbed my water bottle before I left the gym. I decided to just go back to the hotel.

The hotel quickly came into view which I was grateful for. I smiled at the front desk lady before I got on the elevator. I reached my floor fairly quickly. I proceeded to unlock my door, whoever I was suppose to room with still wasn't here. I grabbed some clean clothes before walking into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into the clean clothes. I put all my stuff away and proceeded to lay down on my bed. I closed my eyes as a nap quickly overtook me.

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