Chapter 14

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"So a plus b bracket square equals a square plus b square minus two a b..."

I mumbled on, hoping that I'll remember all of this the next morning.

I was studying for my math test, and I had barely done anything. This was only some of the basic stuff, there's a lot more to come and I think I might just have to pull an all nighter because there is no way I'll be able to learn this in time for class.

I mean it's already 2 am.

I was extremely immersed into memorizing the formulas that I didn't notice my phone buzzing multiple times from across the room.

I only noticed when my pencil fell to the ground, that someone was messaging me over and over again.

Happy to take a break even if it was for a few seconds, I ran over to my side table and grabbed my phone to check who was so desperately messaging me at 2 in the morning.

It was Lisa.

"What the hell does she want this late at night?" I mumbled to myself.

Hey Jungkook.


Yo, you there?













Oh my god, just come
online already.

I have smth I need
to show you.

Are you even alive?

I immediately replied back knowing she'd kill me if I just left her on seen.

What did you do now?

Is it important?

I need to study so hurry

She didn't reply for a while after and I thought she probably just fell asleep and gave up on me when I heard my phone buzz again.

Meet me in the janitors
closet, the one near
the cafeteria.

I told you, I need to
show you something.

Hurry up. I can't wait
all night  🙄🙄

Meet her in the janitors closet? Is she insane? Does she want both of us to get killed or what?

I know she's not that mischievous, she rarely breaks the rules because we actually do need to get good grades so I'm sure it must be something super important. On the plus side, I can get a break from studying that's longer than a few minutes.

I got up and stretched out my arms and legs a little bit before grabbing my jacket that was sprawled on my bed and heading out.

The Fourteen of Majestia [Including my BTS Ships]Where stories live. Discover now