Cutting Ties

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Third Person

Brielle paused and focused on the lack of noise, Harry doing the same. Then from the top cabin the door opened, Brielle knew who was up there so she quickly yanked Harry to hiding behind a crate, pulling him down with her. She turned to him and whispered,

"As soon as he goes down into the cellar to check on you we're gonna keep going to gain as much ground as possible before a fight breaks out alright?"

Harry nodded and got closer to her,

"Please Brielle l-love, stay close t-ta me alright?"

Brielle nodded and squeezed his hand,

"And you stay close to me alright Har?"

Brielle locked eyes with him and smiled at him, even though he had her bandana over his face she knew he smiled back,

"Of c-course"

He whispered. Brielle glanced up and came up over the crate ever so slightly and watched Captain Hook yell at a few crew members about finding out where Tick-Tock went, then he went through the door into the cellar. Brielle waited a few seconds before whispering,


With that, she and Harry both slowly stood up and kept close while keeping their attention alert whilst keeping their hands tightly interlocked while the crew reemerged, staying in the shadows with their hats tilted down. They got pretty far and almost to the bridge when they heard the anger and frustration filled scream, then the heaviest footsteps Brielle thinks she's ever heard,

"Boy?! I'll fucking kill you!"

Captain Hook screamed as he stomped onto the deck,

"Where is he?! Where is my goddamn son?!"

Harry shuddered, Brielle noticed and stood in front of Harry protectively and slowly backed up as Captain Hook's spiteful gaze scanned the deck. She tilted her head down to further shield her face with the shadow of the hat. Captain Hook spotted his son first and ignored the girl in front of him,

"You absolute bastard!"

He growled as he quickly advanced towards Harry who only squeezed Brielle's hand tighter in fear. In one motion Brielle tipped her hat up and drew her sword, pointing it right at Captain Hook,

"Back the fuck off!"

Brielle boldly shouted, her inner growl from the beast in her surfacing. Harry was surprised, he'd never heard that from her before. She is a very soft-spoken person, however, it seems that she has growl to her too. Captain Hook stopped walking and glared at her,

"Queen Brielle... what a surprise. So soon too.... Well I told my son this so I might as well tell you too-"

"That if I tried to save Harry that you'd kill me? I know. Here's the problem Hook, I'm not TRYING to save Harry..."

Harry furrowed his brow in concern and a bit of confusion,

"... I AM saving Harry, so there will be no killing me. I'd like to see your sorry ass try"

Harry smiled at her as she stood against his father, he noticed the rest of the crew beginning to draw their swords and whispered to Brielle,

"I'm hoping ye have backup"

In unison they let go of each others hands, Harry grasping his sword and slowly pulling it from the sheath,

"Of course I did, who do you think I am?"

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