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It was hard making friends in a new town Bo's only friend was her cousin Jacob Black, but they didn't see each other much considering they went to different schools and had different lifestyles. Jake lived and went to school on the Indian Reservation while Jess was stuck in Forks attending Forks High. It wasn't a shocker Bo didn't make many friends, she was shy and very quiet. But the school year was almost over so she thought she could wait it out and make friends next year.

Her father got a job as a police officer since they were recruiting because of strange disappearances in Seattle. The police force needed all the help they could get. He immediately snatched the job up in order to do what he had been trying to do for years, move to his hometown to be closer to his family.

Bo groaned as her father pulled open the curtains and told her get ready for school. The last thing she wanted to do was get out of her warm bed as she could see it was raining outside, she glared at the rain running down the window angry that it's been raining for 3 days straight. She was definitely not used to this much rain on a regular basis, she was from a small desert town in California after all.

"If I have to come up there again I'm gonna take your pillows and blanket!" Her father, Jonathan, shouted from the kitchen as he poured cereal into two bowls. His black hair was gelled back and he was dressed in his uniform, he was a handsome, strong and tan man showing off his Indian heritage but his daughter was the total opposite. She was sun kissed and fragile and blonde, she was so much like her mother it was scary, they could be twins. The only difference between them were their eyes, Bo had blue eyes while her mother possessed vibrant green eyes.

Bo trotted down the stairs and walked into the kitchen wearing dark jeans, a long sleeved white shirt with dark grey sleeves, and her worn black converse. She sat at the wooden table across from her dad and began eating the bowl of cheerios as her dad finished up his coffee and the morning paper that was slightly wet around the edges from being in the rain.

"Okay, lets get going I have a meeting with that missing boy's parents and you have a test 1st period." John sat his mug in the sink before grabbing his coat and tossing Bo's grey backpack to her before they walked out to his squad car.

Bo got dropped off about 10 min before the bell rang so it gave her time to get to her locker and grab her books. The day went by quickly making Bo happy and she knew she did pretty good on that test so her day was awesome.

When the last bell rung she made her way to the lot to wait for her dad but when she got there she could see her cousin Jake leaning against his bike in the spot where her father usually waited. "Hey Jake, whatcha doing here?"

"Your dad is still at work so he asked me to come get you." he handed her the black helmet that she slipped on her head then climbed onto the back of his bike and wrapped her arms around him. She noticed Jake nod his head at the group of people surrounding a jeep and a silver volvo as they drove by but ignored it thinking he was just being his friendly self. "Hold on!" he shouted causing Bo to tighten her arms around him and let out a shriek as he sped up making the front wheel pop up. He let out a hearty laugh at his cousin as he crossed the boundary onto the Rez.

"You know that was mean." she grumbled as she hopped off the bike and walked into the red house a little traumatized from the ride over. "Hey Uncle Billy." she leaned down and gave him a hug before sitting her bag down on the side of the couch.

"Hey Bo, long time no see." he wheeled into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water then handed it to her. She gladly accepted it and gulped it down quickly then thanked him."So are you going to the bonfire tonight?" he looked at her hopefully. She didn't really spend enough time on the Rez for his liking, he wanted her to be more involved with the tribe and he wanted her to have more friends on the Rez. He also wanted her to be around more, after all he did miss out on 15 years of her life.

"Umm... I'm not that great around a lot of people, so probably not..." she answered in a small voice then sent him an apologetic glance. She wouldn't mind spending more time with her family but she gets too nervous around too many people, thats probably why she hates school so much.

"Well if you change your mind just know you're always welcome." he smiled even though he was disappointed. "Why don't you go see if Jake needs help in the garage while I finish up the food." he smiled and sent her on her way.

Jake watched as his cousin sat on the turned over bucket and drew circles in the dirt while he fixed up Sue Clearwater's engine. He had a little business fixing cars but it was only for fun, he loved cars. He had spent the last hour trying to convince her to come to the bonfire but it wasn't working so he knew he had to bring out the big guns. He invited his group of friends to come hang out and make things more comfortable for her and if it all goes well he knows she'll say yes.


Emily and Sam were clearly a couple, Bo could tell by the way Sam had his arm protectively around her shoulders. Jake had warned Bo not to look at Emily's face and she didn't understand why until she took a glance and saw the scars going down her face.

Jared was pretty quiet but his bubbly girlfriend Kim made up for it. They were very close and it was sweet to see two people so in love.

Leah was just as beautiful as the other girls, but she was scary at first. It not only surprised her but everyone else when Leah pulled Bo into a hug.

Seth was Leah's younger brother and he was clearly the baby of the group. Bo was happy though cause she was no longer the only 16 year old in the group... too bad none of them looked their real age so you couldn't really tell they were the same age.

The last one was Paul he was the most interesting one to Bo, he was well built, he had nice tan skin and beautiful hazel eyes that clouded over when they met Bo's blue ones. It intrigued her but everyone else knew what happened.

Paul's world had completely shifted in a matter of seconds. It's like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you there anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend.

Paul ignored her outstretched hand and pulled her into a tight hug where he nuzzled his face into her neck creating a rush of tingles and warmth to surged through her body. Paul reluctantly pulled away leaving Bo red faced and flustered but she was surprisingly content.

"Uhh... I-I think I hear my dad's car." and just like the shy girl she is, she made an excuse to get out of the tension filled garage. Paul watched on as his beautiful imprint ran from the garage and towards her father's squad car, she was running away from what she was feeling and he knew it.

Sam patted Paul's shoulder and sighed, "She'll come around, just give it some time. Why don't you get to know her first, don't rush things..."


Crappy chappy number 1 y'all
Hope you enjoyed

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