Madame Spellwell Masquerade

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Sabrina Spellman was turning twenty-one on the weekend. Not only did it signify her transition into supposed "adulthood" by mortal standards of being able to legally consume alcohol in the states, but it was the year she would also graduate from the Academy of Unseen Arts and head to Prague to further her studies in conjuring and demonology at the very prestigious Unicorn University. The Spellmans were going to host a masquerade party for her birthday and graduation at the Academy of Unseen Arts.

Zelda was sitting at her kitchen table, reading the newspaper and enjoying her morning coffee when Lilith let herself in and sauntered into the kitchen, "You called, darling?"

Folding her paper and placing it aside, Zelda reached up to fuss with her floral head wrap, running her hands quickly through her crimson curls, and straightening her forest green silk robe; "I didn't mean for you to come over right this second, Lily. I'm hardly ready for visitors."

The Queen of Hell chuckled softly, "A visitor? Is that who I am?" Walking into Zelda's personal space, Lilith slid her hand confidently behind the red curls to cup the High Priestess' neck, tilting her head and leaning down to press a warm kiss to Zelda's lips.

Flushed, Zelda unfurled herself from Lilith's grasp, and busied her hands with a pack of cigarettes; "I just mean that I would have preferred not to be in my nightgown and head scarf when you arrived, that's all." Lighting her cigarette, Zelda motioned to a chair and the carafe of coffee. "Please, have a seat. Can I pour you some coffee?"

"Yes, I'd like that." Unbelting her leather trench coat and tossing it on the far end of the table, she took a seat and the proffered mug of coffee, refusing milk or sugar. "I like my coffee like my soul - black." Her bright blues twinkled at her humour as Zelda snorted lightly and rolled her eyes.

"As you know, it's Sabrina's birthday this weekend. Hilda and I, at Sabrina's request, have decided to host a masquerade ball at the Academy as both a birthday and graduation party...." Zelda was annoyed at her nerves. Even after years of Lilith flitting in and out of her life, Zelda was still very unsure of where they stood. As Queen of Hell, Lilith's responsibilities often kept her away and inaccessible to Zelda for months at a time. She could never count on Lilith being present or available at any given time and so she'd learned to just accept whatever it was that Lilith could give her. The lack of consistency and structure in their relationship made her nervous but she couldn't deny the kaleidoscope of butterflies that filled her belly any time she thought of or saw the demoness.

Zelda took a drag from her cigarette, exhaled, and took a sip of her coffee while Lilith waited politely for her to finish; "...I was hoping...." The redheaded witch frowned, it wasn't like her to lack confidence. Clearing her throat, she tried again; "Would you be free to accompany me to the masquerade?"

Lilith reached across the table and plucked Zelda's delicate china cup from her hand and placed it on the table, then pulled the witch off her stool and shifted to welcome her onto her lap; "I would love to, Zelds." Lilith's fingers roamed over the witch's curves, tugging at Zelda's robe and forcing it to fall off one shoulder, replacing its silk with her lips as she trailed kisses to the redhead's neck.

Zelda squirmed on Lilith's lap, her body responding to the Dawn of Dooms touches, she turned around in Lilith's lap and grabbed her face, pulling her in for a deep kiss before standing and moving towards the stairs; "I need to get ready for work Lily..."

Releasing her, Lilith tilted her head with a sapphic smile, "May I watch?"

Laughing at the dark haired witch's brazenness, Zelda curled a finger in a come hither motion and grinned as Lilith followed her up into her bedroom and settled on the edge of the bed, ready to witness the redhead's morning routine. Leaning back on her hands as her eyes hungrily followed Zelda's fingers as she untangled the head wrap from her hair and picked up a brush, Lilith began a necessary conversation, "How are things with Mary?

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