2. Lilith wants you

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As you don't know how to overcome the cross, for now, you decide to move northward.

The unpleasant sensation of not being alone is the first thing you feel when you enter the room. Painted on the walls, the floor and the ceiling, the giant spiders that surround you make for rather disquieting company, even for you. Although perfectly still and little more than stylised drawings, they appear to be extraordinarily alive. They have shiny yellow eyes and wide open mandibles, ready to tangle you up in the huge web that envelops the room to devour you like a bug.

 They have shiny yellow eyes and wide open mandibles, ready to tangle you up in the huge web that envelops the room to devour you like a bug

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To the south you may return to the bats room. To the east and to the west you can explore other rooms of the lair. To the north you see a solid iron door which seems to be the panel of a giant safe. There is no keyhole, but four small wheels are set into a metal bar next to the door handle. Each wheel is numbered 0 through 9: if you can turn them to the correct combination, the door should open. Unfortunately, you don't remember the combination, although you are sure you left a hint for yourself somewhere.

You go to east and find yourself into a small painted black room that appears to be a temple. You can see a kneeling stool in front of a large painting with a golden frame, hung on the back wall. The subject of the picture is a very beautiful lady, with a pale face and long dark hair, who stares at you with a sensual expression. After a moment, you remember she is Lilith, the gorgeous and cruel vampire who, more than a thousand years ago, threw you in this bloody abyss of darkness. She let you drink her blood after having pierced your jugular with her long, sharp canines so many times.

Much time has passed since then, but you never forgot the encounter that changed your life (and your death) forever. Hence you created this place of prayer to keep in contact with her, certain that one day Lilith will answer your invocations and return to you. 

Probably it was you who painted this picture, to keep a memory of the image of the woman who turned you into an immortal creature with great powers. Lilith was really wonderful and you fell in love at first sight. You were 26 years old when she appeared, and you had already had much experience with women.

As the young descendant of one of the richest families in the region, you were the object of desire of all the girls of the territory, who did all that they could to get your attention. To you, one was as good as another and you constantly changed lovers, seeking new experiences and having as much fun as possible. When Lilith arrived, everything changed.

The first time you saw her was at a party thrown by your family to let you meet new people, in the hope that you would eventually meet the woman of your life. She came to the house in the evening, with a cousin whose name you didn't even remember. She was very beautiful, her unusual vivacity fascinated you immediately. The freshness of her appearance made her look very young, but she spoke as if she were much older. When you finally managed to be alone with her, you took her hand and walked together into the woods where no one would disturb you.

You thought that such an exuberant girl wouldn't have any objection to your advances, deep in the woods so far from prying eyes. To your surprise, it was her who took you. When you saw her eyes change colour to a glowing ruby red and her cuspids become monstrously long fangs, it was too late to go back. However you are grateful to Lilith for not allowing you to run away. You could have never imagined the pleasure you felt when she pierced your neck with her teeth and sucked your blood almost to the last drop.

 You could have never imagined the pleasure you felt when she pierced your neck with her teeth and sucked your blood almost to the last drop

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Lilith disappeared right after, but she often visited you in your garden by night. You would throw open your window and beckon her into your bedroom. So Lilith could drink your blood again and again. She even grew fond of you; after draining you of your blood for weeks, she prevented your death by bestowing upon you the dark gift that would make you an immortal wanderer of the night. Then she vanished forever, leaving you to your destiny with the memory of her fiery eyes and eager lips.

You spent entire nights on this kneeling stool, praying for the return of Lilith. On the shelf you also carved the phrase "Gutta cavat lapidem" to remind you to persist and not give up hope of finding your former lover.

So you decide to kneel again on the stool, in front of the painting of Lilith, and pray for her return. You need her now more than ever, during this difficult time. At the beginning you can't find the words, but then you remember the incantations you have repeated for centuries as you waited for the return of the only woman who really matters to you. Often, many hours would pass before you got up, without anything happening.

Rather unusually, this time, as you've just started to repeat your supplications the picture of the vampire comes to life and starts speaking, emanating a diabolical halo of red light: "Martin Voigt, how much time has passed since the last time we met? Your death grieved me and I'm glad to have you in my sight again."

You smile, but Lilith frowns at you and says: "I know you're happy to see me, but this is no time for love. If you think I'm the one who performed the magic that brought you to life, you're right. If you think I did it to allow you to accomplish your goal of revenge, you're wrong. I've a more ambitious and lethal project for you."

"Unfortunately you still seem to be very weak" she continues. "I doubt you can go further in such a feeble state. Maybe I have to give you another bit of help to let you recover your energy and leave your lair. So, to allow you to overcome the obstacles that bar your way to freedom, I'll offer you my curse."

The charming vampire points her finger at you and instills in you a new, wicked energy.

"Now you may fearlessly face the symbols and the spells that your enemies set in your way" she explains. "When you come out, forget your foolish plan of revenge and come to me at the Yoshiwara Club. I'm gathering the largest army of vampires in history, to prepare for the battle that will lead us to subdue humankind. Soon we'll turn the most frightening fantasies into reality and take what should have long been ours: the world!"

"Don't worry now about the road to the Yoshiwara Club, at the right moment love will drive you there" ends Lilith, before vanishing in a final blinding flash of red light.

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