°Smile part 2°

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One week later.

'Seems like the two of you know what you're doing' Nurse Chyonweth laughed, as she eyed the pair of teenagers with a knowing grin plastered on her lips.

Sean flushed beet red, scooting away from Kaycee who was sitting close to him. 'I-um what's next?' He changed the topic, pulling at the collar of his school uniform.

'What do you mean, what's next? This is what you guys will be doing for the rest of the semester' Jade laughed even louder, her head tilting back.

'Right. Right' Sean nodded, standing up on his own two feet and sitting down at the opposite end of the room, away from the girl.

'So you're telling me that we get extra points on our exams just by playing with kids. This is great!' Kaycee exclaimed, a giggle falling from her lips as she cradled a tiny baby boy.

'I'm living the enthusiasm. But just saying, that it does get tougher. Right now, the two of you only have babies to mind, but you're gonna have to deal with toddlers and older kids soon. And it can be difficult, there not as co-operative and all...But it's worth it' Jade smiled, fixing the clock watch pinned on her nurses outfit.

Kaycee nodded her head understandingly, continuing to play LEGOs with another baby. Jade had smiled earnestly at the brunette before she walked over to Sean, one brow raised and her lips pulled smugly to one side.


'Nothing' Sean blurted out, playing with the beads on his own. One week and he had fallen more in love with Kaycee than he could ever imagine. She was perfect and sweet to the kids, kind to him and most importantly never seemed to be cocky or over confident about herself. But that didn't mean, she didn't sometime makes his blood boil when she would ask him questions about his life. Sure if it was to anyone else, it would have just been a normal question, answered with a simple yes or a no. But to him, he felt as if the walls were caving in and he was losing his privacy. 

Sure, he was fond of her but he didn't want her close. He couldn't have her that way.

'Seems to me as if you're crushing on somebody' Jade teased, wiggling her eyebrows. Sean groaned extremely loud, face washing over with panic as he shushed Jade down.

'Shush. She might hear' he whispered, discreetly looking over at the girl. But lucky for him, she was too occupied with the babies. A part of him wish she had heard, to know what her reaction would have been. But another part already knew what it would have been. A 'no', just like everybody else he ever liked.

'Tell me all about her' Jade continued, patting Sean's back proudly.

'She sits beside me in class' Sean shrugged, since he actually didn't know much more about her.

'Thats it? Oh come on, Lew. You can do better than that' The older lady t'sked, shaking her head in the process.

'No-uh stop. Go away' Sean groaned, hiding his face in his hands in embarrassment. Jade raised her hands in surrender, backing away to the door before she realized something and walked back over to Sean. 'I said go away-' he started.

'Aya's having tests on her tomorrow. She's being really brave, Sean' Jade informed him. Sean's eyes twinkled with a special glow, his lips pulling upwards in a smile.

'Is Mom here? And dad?' He questioned, swirling his tongue inside his mouth.

Jade nodded her head. 'You could go pay her a visit right now. But you can't leave Kaycee here on her own. I could stay and mind the babies for awhile' she suggested.

Sean & Kaycee: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now