Thorn In His Paw

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        A week went by and all I was getting was test after test after test. The whole hospital wanted to know how I actually survived the coma. When the doctor came to a conclusion that I was touched by an angel, my mom signed the release forms and I was sent home.

        At home, Damion was waiting for me. “Hey beautiful, nice to see you out of a paper dress.” He chuckled lightly before kissing my cheek. “May I take her from you?” He politely asked my mother. She nodded. “She has to be home before 8. She has school tomorrow.” She stated before going inside the house. “Let’s go!” He yelled before walking towards the surrounding woods of my home. “Where are you taking me? You’re not going to kill me, are you?” I jokingly got scared. He smirked.

        “I have a secret that you need to know...” He trailed off as we reached the top of a hill covered in trees. “Stand back.” He looked at me then the sky. His body started changing, growing more hair and clothes ripping. About 5 seconds later, a gorgeous black wolf was staring into my eyes. It was him. And I knew it, not just by watching but by looking into the green eyes that I fell in love with. He licked my cheek. “What a good boy,” I laughed while petting the enormous wolf’s head. He stood about 5 feet tall and his head added another 6 inches. He was the same height as me.

        “So you’re a beautiful black canine who was to scared to tell me in human form?” I asked him. He nodds his head and backs up. He yelped in pain before laying down to lick his paw. “What’s wrong?” I asked getting on my knees in front of him. He pulled away from me. “It’s okay, Damion. I want to help,” I grabbed his paw and looked closely. There was a thorn in his paw. “This might hurt...” I warned him before pulling the thorn out. He licked his paw then my face as if saying ‘thank you.’

Fallen Angel In Love With A Black WolfWhere stories live. Discover now