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This au is based on in the year 2034

The ages of the characters are

Seokjin: 40
Yoongi: 40
Hoseok: 38
Namjoon: 38
Jimin: 37
Taehyung: 37
Jungkook: 34
Yoonji: 33


The familiar building came into the sight again and she smiled ear to ear. After almost two weeks she was visiting her appa again. But she also wished he was not in the office. She entered the building and found the same receptionist as last time. She bowed to her, "Hello."

The receptionist looked up and sighed, "You again?"

Eunha nodded, "I am sorry."

The lady was confused. Her expressions softened a bit, "Why?"

Eunha shifted from foot to foot, "Because ap- Umm, Seokjin-shi scolded you that day because of me."

The lady chuckled, "No, actually, I was rude too. I am sorry. Can I ask a question?" Eunha nodded, "How are you so close to him that you don't need an appointment. Are you maybe his sugar baby?"

Eunha looked confused, "Sugar... what?"

The lady waved her hand, "Nevermind. But how are you related?"

Eunha tensed a bit, "Uhh... I- I am his niece. I recently came back from the US."

"Ah. Well, I was sceptical because none of his family members is close to him." The lady returned to her computer.

Eunha tilted her head in curiosity, "Really?"

The lady nodded, "Why? You don't know? You are from his family."

"What's going on here? Are you slacking off, Lisa?"

They looked behind Eunha and found Yoongi staring at him. Eunha shook her head, "She is not slacking off. I distracted her. I am sorry."

Yoongi's frown changed to smile, "It's okay. Let's go to the office. Though Seokjin has not come yet."

They reached the elevator, "That's fine. I actually wished that he wasn't here."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, "What are you conspiring in his pretty little head of yours?"

Eunha giggled, "You will see."

They reached the office and Eunha went straight to the computer. Seokjin's computer, "Password?"

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, "I'm not going to tell you till you tell me what you are doing."

Eunha sighed, "I am trying to make dad and appa work again and for that, I need bunny oppa. So I am going to Search bunny oppa and then try to get my parents together."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "And how is Jungkook going to help you? No one knows where he is. How will you search for him?"

Eunha smiled, "First tell me the password."

Yoongi sighed and typed the password himself. Eunha took her laptop out and connected it to the PC. She typed some codes in her laptop. Yoongi stood behind her with his eyes wide and confused. After almost fifteen minutes, Eunha clapped, "I found him!"

Yoongi looked at him dumbfoundedly, "What? How?"

Eunha showed him the screen, "Look, he was enlisted in the military a year earlier than Yoonji unni."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes again, "How do you know?"

Eunha laughed nervously, "Yoonji unni told me."

Yoongi tilted his head, "What else did she tell you?"

Eunha scratched her head due to nervousness. A habit she picked up from her dad, "Uhh, I don't think she wants you to know yet."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I am her brother. It's my right to know."

Eunha blinked her eyes twice, "But it's her story to tell."

Yoongi sighed, "Fine. Just give me a hint."

"Umm..." Eunha sat straight on the chair, "They might have been seeing each other in the past."

Yoongi sighed, "Where is he now?"

Eunha hummed, "I'll have to see."

She typed something in her laptop and she tsked, "This needs some type of access code. Do you have one?"

Yoongi nodded and typed a password.

Access denied

Eunha groaned, "I think it would need appa's access code."

Yoongi shook his head, "No! I'm not giving it to you."

Eunha whined, "Please, samchon! Please. Cherry on the top..."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "You are lucky you are cute." and typed the code.

Access granted

"Yes!" Eunha punched in the air and started typing again. After a few minutes, she looked at Yoongi, "Found him! He is a spy for Korea. He is in Japan. His current name is Hiroshi Mitsu."

Yoongi nodded, "What is he doing in Japan?"

Eunha typed some more and then shook her head, "It's not written here. It just says that the mission is to observe. Subject not found."

"What are you guys doing?"

They both looked at the door and found Seokjin at the door.

"Uh- I- umm"

Before Eunha could say something, Yoongi got in the middle, "Her laptop didn't work and she had to submit an assignment. Urgently. So I gave her access to your computer."

By the time Yoogi had ended his explanation, Eunha plugged the laptop out and logged off the computer. She looked at Seokjin and nodded frantically.

Seokjin chuckled, "Of course, you can use any of my things. Why are you so tense?"

Eunha hesitated, "Uh, I thought you would get angry for touching your PC without your permission."

Seokjin went near her and kissed her head, "You can have any of my things. I don't mind."

Eunha smiled and nodded, "Thank you appa. I think I will go now..."

Seokjin raised his eyes, "Why? I just came."

Eunha nervously smiled, "I have a study session with... Hueningkai oppa."

Seokjin hummed. "I am sure one day she'll come home and say he is her boyfriend." He whispered in Yoongi's ear.

Yoongi snickered and nodded, "I'll drop her outside."

Seokjin nodded and ruffled Eunha's hair, "Come to meet again, yeah?"

Eunha whined, "Not my hair, appa." She pouted, "I'll come soon. I love you."

Seokjin was caught completely off guard, "I- I love you too."

As soon as Yoogni and Eunha reached the elevator, Eunha sighed in relief, "That was close." Yoongi nodded. Eunha continued, "Bunny oppa will be back next month. I have his address. He is going to report to Busan intelligence bureau."

Yoongi looked at her, "What's the plan?"

Eunah smirked and flipped her hair.

Secrets [NAMJIN]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon