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Call my name, I'll be coming for ya

Coming for ya, coming for ya, coming for ya


I almost died when I saw Sapphire's frail body. My muscles turned to lead and my heart climbed up my throat. I wanted to collapse right there. Her face was pale, her figure lifeless and limp. I could feel the pain radiating through the mate bond, I didn't know how she had survived it till now. She was alive but barely. Even with my strong senses I could barely hear her heartbeat. I rushed by her side. The doctor didn't stop me.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked looking up at the dark skinned woman.

"Heat." she just said one word, and my eyes went wide with shock.

"That's not possible. She's not werewolf-"

"I know. It was something different, like simulations running through her mind but much more painful. But she'll be fine, now that you are here. At least that's what I hope." she informed.

I bent down and place a kiss on Sapphire's forehead. She would probably have killed me if she was conscious. But right now I didn't care.

"I'll leave you with her. Her vitals are stable." the doctor said giving me a strange look. Nevertheless, I nodded, and she threw me one final glance before leaving.

I sighed miserably once she was outside. Even in her dishevelled state I realised how beautiful she looked. Looking at Sapphire, I didn't see many changes, except for the dark circles under her eyes. I had never heard of humans or any other species going into heat after being mated with a werewolf. I had no idea why she went through that pain... but a small part of me knew that if it hadn't happened, I probably would have never seen the woman I loved again. In a very twisted manner I was almost thankful to it.

I heard Sapphire's breathing hitch and I gripped her hand tighter. Her heartbeat took a steadier pattern. I could feel the warmth returning to her body. I knew it was the mate bond working its magic. My sheer presence made her heal faster. A small part of me was still worried about her, but I knew the danger had passed. I shuddered to think what might have happened if I had showed up even minutes later. My brain refused to imagine the scenario. Even after what had happened between us, and the fact that Sapphire probably considered me an enemy now. I couldn't afford to think about any kind of harm for her. The truth was, I had never really realized how strong my feelings for her until she left me. Even after the betrayal, I didn't have even an ounce of ill-feelings for her. She probably thought of me as a monster. I didn't deserve her love after what I had done to her. Maybe I even deserved the betrayal.

I pulled out of my thought bubble when I heard the door creak open. I looked behind to see Juliette. She was the only one I had brought with me to the cult. She gave me a nod as she settled herself on a chair in the far corner of the room.

"How is she?" she said motioning her chin towards Sapphire. I could detect a bare drip of hostility in her voice. I ignored it.

"She's healing. It'll take time, but she will be fine." I replied.

"Hmm." There was a very uncomfortable pause in which I could feel Juliette's disapproval radiating through the air.

"So, you are going to take her back to the pack?" she asked, after a long pause.

"That depends on her. It will be her call if she wants to come with me or not." I said.

"You know giving her such a free reign will not end well for you... If you wanted you could have forced her the first time itself."

"She is not the sort of Luna I can dominate, like everyone else. She'll only submit to me if I do to her." I said.

"Its your call, Alpha." she rolled her eyes, "But with all due respect, if I were in your place, I wouldn't have accepted her in the first place, after what she did to you-"

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