Chapter 26

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Quinn's pov

The car was silent one the way back to Carter Hills. I'm really worried. Did he run away? Uhhh I stared out the window watching the cars fly by. After a while we finally got home. We drove over to Wyatt's. Blair's was there too.
Wyatt: I've tried calling my parents but the won't answer
Blair: I think we should call the police
Wyatt: no Luke would probably kill us
Carson: okay ummm let's go out and look for him
We all got into the car. We tried going to his favourite places. He was nowhere to be found. Wyatt started panicking. Blair tried to comfort him.
Wyatt: where is he, like where the fuck can you even go in this town like it's so small!?
Carson: okay Wyatt I think we should bring you home but Quinn and I will keep looking for him. He dropped Wyatt home. I was freezing so I headed to Luke's room to grab a sweatshirt. I know he's my ex but in freezing. His room is different, it's cold, untidy and just not him. I looked around and noticed his skateboard was gone. Then it hit me. I grabbed the sweatshirt and ran out the door. I grabbed my skateboard out of the trunk. I finally got there, almost frozen to pieces. I walked in the gate and saw a shadow. I was kinda scared maybe this was a bad idea. I walked closer to the shadow till I saw the face. It was Luke. All dirty like a homeless man.

Quinn: Luke what the fuck!?
Luke: Quinn?!
Quinn: why didn't you come home?! I left New York early for this!
Luke: well I never asked you too!
Quinn: I was trying to be a good friend!
Luke: we are not friends so mind your own business!
Quinn: you are so annoying!
Luke: is that my sweatshirt!?
Quinn: I was cold!
Luke: just leave!
Quinn: don't tell me what to do! Now Wyatt is so worried about you and said you haven't been home in days
Luke: I don't want to go home
Quinn: why?
Luke: none of your business!
Quinn: I'm only trying to help
Luke: fine I don't want to go home because of Wyatt
Quinn: did you guys get in a fight or-
Luke: no
Quinn: then what-
Luke: fine let's go
He walked passed me and started leaving. We headed back to the direction back to their house.
Quinn: so you've started skating again
Luke: well I have always wanted too
Quinn: so where have you been staying
Luke: at different girls houses
Quinn: oh okay
The rest of the walk was silent. We got back and Wyatt was so happy. Carson and I headed home. It's 3 am and I'm so tired. I got back into bed. I still had Luke's sweatshirt on, it smelt like him. My eyes stared to tear up. Come on Quinn!

Luke's pov

Everyone had left and it was just Wyatt and I.
Wyatt: why did you never come home it's literally been days like I can understand a day or 2 but almost a week isn't okay
Luke: you're not my dad Wyatt
Wyatt: worse I'm your brother
Luke: wow
I rolled my eyes.
Wyatt: Luke you've been different lately, you can talk to me
Luke: nah dude I'm fine alright I'm going to bed
Wyatt: Luke -
Luke: what
Wyatt: it's me isn't it
Luke: what?
Wyatt: I did something didn't I?
Luke:  not intentionally
Wyatt: then what?
Luke: you and Blair!
Wyatt: what?
Luke: I'm jealous! I miss Quinn! And seeing you and Blair remind me of her and I! And how I'm never going to get that again!
Wyatt: dude I-
Luke: I'm going to bed
Wyatt: wait
He came over and hugged me. I didn't know what to do. Uhh I gave up. I can't hold my emotions any longer. I started crying.
Wyatt: it's okay you don't have to act all hard all the time. Everyone has emotions.


Quinn: Lukey
Luke: Quinny
Quinn: hahaha let's watch a movie
She ran over to grab the remote and jumped down on the bed. She dove under the covers and turned the tv on. I jumped in beside her. She got close to bed and put her head on my shoulder. She grabbed my hand and cuddled into me. I felt my cheeks heat up. She looked up at me and giggled.
Quinn: I made you blush
Luke: shut up ahahah

*flashback over*
Carson's pov

I'm staying at Saiges tonight. I got us some snacks and headed over. I knocked on the door waiting for an answer.
Camila(Saiges mom): hey what are you doing here?
Carson: I'm here for Saige
Camila: for what?
Carson: uhhh
Saige: Carson! You're here
Carson: yeah?
Camila: I thought you weren't friends with him anymore, I don't like him
Saige: mom!
Mateo(Saiges dad): what going on? Oh you
Saige: dad!
Carson: Saige did you not tell them?
Saige: uhhh
Camila: what? Tell me what?
Carson: uhhhh
Camila: ¡Dios mío! No
Mateo: what?
Camila: they're dating!
Mateo: what!?
Saige: mama papa! Stop
Mateo: ohhh him!?
Saige: yes
Camila: nope not anymore
Saige: what?!
Camila: you're not dating him anymore! School and familia are more important than a guy you're only 17 darling be free
Saiges eyes started to tear up.
Saige: you're right
Carson: what!?
Saige: she's right I'm sorry Carson it's over
Carson: Saige you can't
Camila: you should leave
Mateo: bye Carson
The door closed. I texted Saige but she blocked my number. What!? I got back into my car. I drove to McDonald's and got myself food. I'm so mad. I don't even want to go home.... I'll just sleep in the car.......

Quinn's pov

I woke up to a bang. My door walked of the wall. I jumped. I opened my eyes and saw Carson standing at the door. He looked mad and upset. He looked kinda scary.
Quinn: way to wake someone up! oh are you okay?
Carson: she broke up with me
Quinn: Saige!?
Carson: yeah! Who else?! And she broke up with me last night so I slept in the car
Quinn: jeez calm down
Carson: you are so bad at comforting
Quinn: I know okay stop pointing it out! Anyway why did you guys break up?
Carson: she said she doesn't want to be in a relationship right now and she wants to focus on school and family but it was her parents who made here. She doesn't want to disappoint them
Quinn: oh okay, that's understandable
Carson: I know but it still hurts!
Quinn: okay well uhhh ummm
Yeah I'm not good at comforting people at all!
Quinn: uhh do you want to go get food to take your mind of it?
Carson: sure
He held his head down and walked out the door. We went to this little cafe in the town. I just got toast but he went all house and got a full Irish breakfast which I didn't know they did here. We ate our breakfast and went for a hike. I hate hiking but he wanted to do it so... All the memories of Luke dragging me hiking with him came flooding back. I held my head high and just did it.

Okay I don't think I've ever been so tired in my life, I'm all sweaty but at least Carson is happy. We drove home and I hoped in the shower. The hot water hit my skin like silk. That was defiantly the best shower ever. I jumped out and got changed. I headed back downstairs and made cookies. Obviously they are ones you make out of a box because I have no idea how to cook really but I try. The Betty Crocker ones are to die for. Literally! I took them out of the oven. Carson and I ate them while watching movies on Netflix. Hopefully he won't fall into the crazy fuckboy trap like Luke did...........

Authors note: hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter! How are all you guys? :) ps I have covid but it's okay I have no symptoms :)

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