Chapter 23

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Y/n holds on to Katara and Sokka's hand tightly as he still can't see

Sokka:Let's get him to the river...

Y/n:Wait where is...Aang!

Katara:He needs to think about what he's done...

Y/n:Is he Very good Aang!

Sokka:Y/n...Aang is the one that burned you...

Y/n:But...y/n and Jeong Jeong...told him to be careful...

Katara:I'm sorry y/n,but right now we need to get you to safety...

Y/n stops moving

Sokka:Y/n what are you doing?

Y/n:Danger...mutiple heat signatures...significantly higher than normal...


Sokka:Even more of a reason to get out of come on...

Y/n pushes Sokka and Katara off of him as mutiple fire blast hit him

He absorbs a bit of it

Sokka:Y/n run! We'll fight!

Katara:You can't can't see!


Azula:So you're saying that taking away someone's vision isn't going to stop them from fighting?

Y/n:Well I mean think about it...Waterbenders have water everywhere,Earthbenders are usually standing on Earth they can bend,Airbenders have air everywhere too,but what about fire? Obviously there isn't fire everywhere but fire originates from heat which itself is everywhere...

Azula:And you're saying that someone can fight just as effectively even without the perception of what is around them?

Y/n:Yea,I mean if there is a fire next to you and you close your eyes does the fire go away? Maybe from your vision but the fire is still there...

Azula:What an...interesting way to think about to test it out?

Y/n:Hey I never said it wouldn't hurt...

Flashback End

Y/n:I can still fight! You guys need to find Aang and get on Appa with Momo!

Sokka:Welp full sentences...won't hear an argument from me...

They run off as several fire nation soliders jump out

Y/n waste no time running straight at the soliders,catching them off guard

He takes out he wrist blades and cuts through any heat he feels coming

Y/n shoots out the absorbed fire from earlier as it takes out a couple soliders

The remaining soliders are then knocked out by a punch or a kick

Y/n grabs a heat signature that isn't on the ground yet

Y/n:Who is leading you all?

"Admiral Zhao...

Y/n:General Zhao?

"No,while you and your friends have been wasting your time,Zhao has been working his way up the ranks"

Y/n lets the solider go and goes to find the others

He feels a heat presence far away

Y/n listens for the water and goes next to it he put his hand in ir to see what direction it is going

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