Chapter 88

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The twins and Maeve were in the garden, throwing the gnomes out into the field, not really talking. Maeve brought out a record player and they just listened to music all morning. They didn't really want to talk about the mission, it was all starting to hit them. Maeve catches Fred staring at George's ear and she could also tell that everyone is just waiting for her to break or do something. So they just kept quiet. There was a point in their chore, that they all non-verbally agreed to see who could throw their gnome the furthest, but that eventually got boring too.

"He has no nose.." Fred interrupted the the silence, and snorted

"What?" Maeve looked over at him.

"You actually said that, you could of said anything in the world about you-know-who. Anything! But you chose to say 'he has no nose.'" She looked at the twins with the goofiest smile, and they all just lost it.

"I did say that, didn't I." She laughed, chucking another gnome over the fence. "Isn't it crazy he was practically our teacher, 3rd year. Just chilling on the back of some blokes head." She looked over at the boys. The two of them shared a look and then laughed. She lifted her brow at them.

"You know something that is equally hilarious and terrifying?" George asked

"What?" She smiled.

"Third year, we bewitched snowballs to follow and hit Quirrell."

"And they would hit him in the back of his turban.." Fred finished, Maeve was mid throw but stopped after what she heard. She slowly turned to face the boys, holding the gnome by its legs.

"Are you telling me," she smiled, "12 year old Fred and George threw snowballs at Voldemort's face?" The boys had the widest smiles and just nodded, "Merlin's beard, that is amazing." Then her eyes went wide. "if muggles only knew what we went through our entire time at Hogwarts, Merlin... if they knew what Harry went through. I think the muggles would start an army to try and get rid of us." The three began to hysterically laugh again, until Maeve turned around and saw Molly staring at them. She nudged Fred, and he turned to say 'what' to Maeve but saw his mother. They all froze.

"Well, if you lot are done messing around... Lunch is ready, but you should clean up first."

"Thank you Molly." Maeve smiled, throwing the gnome over the fence, placing a kiss on Mollys cheek and sprinting off to the house, "I call the good shower first!" She called over her shoulder. The twins looked at each other knowing there was one more bathroom open, and they both sprinted trying to push the other over. Molly just watched rolling her eyes, "those three..." she groaned.

Maeve was walking out of the bathroom and she flipped her wet hair over to put it up not noticing the person in front of her.

"Could of warned me, I was in the wet zone." He laughed

"Oh sorry Harry." She threw him her towel.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked

"Of course you can."

The shock of losing Moody hung over the house in the days that followed; Maeve kept expecting to see him stumping in through the back door like the other Order members, who passed in and out to relay news. And Harry felt that nothing but action would assuage his feelings of guilt and grief and that he ought to set out on his mission to find and destroy Horcruxes as soon as possible. Maeve and Harry ventured into the twins old room.

"Have I ever told you about the Horcruxes?"

"In passing." She shrugged, "but you can't do anything about them till you're seventeen. You've still got the Trace on you." she saw something new in his eyes, "do you reckon you already know where they are?"

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