Chapter 13

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My breath caught in my throat and giant tears started to build behind the dam that held them back. Standing in front of Dazai... in front of me... was the one person my heart had stayed set on finding.
"What a glorious view! Even better than some costly famous painting!"
He stared at Dazai with a look of mockery in his eyes, most likely because of the current situation the brown haired male was in.
Dazai began to panic as he stared at Chuuya, "Crap. Oh crap."
I chuckled quietly to myself as I watched them. It was obvious they hadn't interacted for a while.
"What a lovely reaction." The red head moved closer while cracking his knuckles, "I'm so happy I'm dying to strangle you."
The chains around Dazai's wrist rattled slightly as he slumped forward, "Wow the little guy in black is talking! I've always wanted to ask you, why did you buy that embarrassing hat?"
As they continued arguing, I was trying my hardest to refrain from making any noise. I had been trying so hard to stay silent yet, I snorted rather loudly. Both males stopped their conversation and Chuuya's gaze started to flicker around the room.
"Hey Dazai... you wouldn't happen to have a guest hiding somewhere in the room... would you?"
Dazai's eyes went wide and he looked around, "Heard something? What?"
I facepalmed and sighed heavily, "Dazai it's too late. He already heard me."
I closed my eyes and released a heavy sigh, stepping out of Dazai's shadow. A sharp, quiet inhale reached my ears, making them twitch around. My tails quivered as I fought to keep myself from opening my eyes and just jumping Chuuya then and there.
I forced my eyes open, immediately finding Chuuya. He stared at me, his mouth hanging open in shock. His body was completely rigid, almost like a stone statue. I took a slight step back and looked down, "It's been a long time... Chuuya."
The second his name left my lips, my body was lifted into the air and thrown into the red head. Strong arms encased my thin body almost immediately, the male burying his nose into my hair. This time, my body went rigid and the tears that had been building actually started to fall.
His voice was just above a whisper when he spoke, "Kotori? How... how are you alive? I was with you when..."
His voice cracked and a shudder ran through his body.
I frowned as more tears fell, "Chuuya, I wish I could explain it better... but I did... die." His grip tightened when I said the word.
I ran a hand up and down his back as I continued, "I woke up a few days later... literally... just woke up. I remembered everything, and when I activated my ability... I had a second tail."
Chuuya pulled away and looked, finding the second tail with a slightly excited gasp. I snorted quietly through my crying, finding his reaction amusing. I stepped towards him and wrapped my arms around him again, feeling comfort and happiness. Chuuya sighed quietly, "I missed you so damn much."
An awkward cough sounded and Chuuya pulled away again, storming towards the chained up male, his gaze was set angrily on Dazai.
I laughed and began rubbing the tears from my eyes as they bickered once more. I sniffled silently, trying to stop myself from crying completely. As soon as the sound left me, both male's gazes were on me, concern written across them. Chuuya came back quickly, brushing more stray tears off my face. I grabbed his hands and held them close to my face, a happy smile forming. The red head leaned close, pressing his forehead against mine, "God I missed you." My smile grew, as I wrapped my arms back around him. Dazai scoffed behind us, causing Chuuya to flip him off and suddenly press his soft lips onto mine. My eyes fluttered closed and I kissed him back, a feeling of desperation and love filling my chest. I missed him so much, I couldn't help but smile even wider.
"I love you..."
Chuuya's voice was quiet and muffled, but I heard him.
My ears perked and my tails began waving around madly. His words had sent me over the moon and made me feel like the happiest person in the world.
The moment felt too short when the red head pulled away, both of us breathing heavily. Dazai made fake gagging noises behind us, causing me to giggle quietly as I hugged Chuuya once more. He ran a hand through my hair, holding my close to his chest. I hoped and prayed he wouldn't let me go any time soon. Dazai's voice broke through the quiet in the room, "I hate to ruin your moment but we've got something we need to do."
I pulled away from Chuuya, opting to hold his hand, and looked at Dazai.
"What do you mean?"
Dazai explained that once he was loose, we were going to break out someone else who was locked up in the facility. Someone that I knew all too well, especially since I had practically raised her. Chuuya raised an eyebrow, "Don't you think it's kind of stupid to plan in front of the enemy?"
I snickered, "Chuu, you're like a harmless puppy with me around and you know it."
Chuuya blushed a dark shade of red and looked off to the side, muttering quietly to himself.
Dazai rolled his eyes and finished explaining why we were getting this person out of the mafia. I nodded my head as soon as he finished talking, a wave of anger filling my chest. "Alright. Let's get too it then, and while we're at it... I'm gonna kill Akutagawa."

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