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Maxime took a deep breath, and said, "I'm afraid that I will have to expel you."

Cherry sighed. She wasn't surprised honestly, she'd been expecting it. That seemed like an odd thing to say, especially since she was one of the smartest kids in her class, despite her status on the social scale. She had taken some of her classes two years above her grade, since she had so much time to study, considering that she never went to any parties (with the students that went to her school anyways, but who said anything about sneaking out at night?).

But after all these pranks and tricks she's pulled on some of the school's bullies, she figured eventually it would all be too much for the headmaster to handle, and she'd be kicked out of the school.

She'd been dreading it a bit, but that didn't stop her. She wanted karma to happen, and she was going to make it happen. And it did happen. Even though she got expelled, so what? It was going to happen sooner or later. Besides, she'd hated this school. The only thing keeping her there was Fleur.

Sighing again, she stood up as she muttered, "I'll go pack my things." After glaring at Leya one last time, she exited the office and headed towards her dorm, which she shared with Fleur.

The nearly bald girl smirked from behind her, and Cherry could feel her eyes burning into her back, but she just ignored it, dusted it off, heading up to the dorms where Fleur was probably waiting for her to come.

She passed the other students in the hall, some smirking at her, knowing what had just happened, mostly because Leya was a big blabber mouth, and had assumed that her punishment for whatever she had done this time would, in fact, result in an expulsion, and news had spread fast around here.

Cherry glared at every single one of them, causing some to look away. She stopped at one of the corners of the castle, near a great big window, and looked outside.

The sky was beginning to darken, the twilight on the brim, leaving a dark blue purple glow in the sky. Cherry hated the fact that it was fake, that the sunset was fake, artificial. She thought that something as beautiful as a sunset should never have been faked, yet here it was, another one of the many reasons why she wanted to go back and live in the muggle world after she graduated school.

Dinner had already been served for the day, but Cherry didn't want to eat. She'd already eaten ramen earlier that day in her dorm alone, missing her home, and now she wanted to go see her girlfriend, spend every last second with the only good thing inside the walls of this castle before she would be forced out tomorrow morning.

Cherry and her had planned a picnic date that night, and she was counting on that. It would be a long while before the two would see each other again, and that was the thing that bothered Cherry the most. Not the fact that she just got expelled from one of the most prestigious wizarding schools in the world, but the fact that she wouldn't be able to see her girlfriend on the daily anymore.

When she finally got back to her dorm, Fleur was lying on her bed, changed out of her uniform for the day, reading a book on mushrooms. She was wearing one of Cherry's sweatshirts, the one that said "slut" on the front in big red letters. Cherry had no idea why she was wearing it, considering the fact that Fleur was nearly the opposite of one, but nonetheless she reckoned that her girlfriend looked damn good in it.

The two had only had sex like, a few times, and half the time they were drunk. She blushed, thinking back to last week, after a night on the roof with just them and a bottle of cheap tequila that Cherry had snagged from one of the shops down in Hogsmeade in London. She had just learned how to aparate, and with a few tricks here and there, no one would've eevn known she had been practicing how to aparate in and out of the castle, looking for some mischief that was non existent in this school.

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