Chapter 13 - Astoria's naiveté

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*Draco pov - earlier*
The good news, I reflected as I sank down the tiled wall of the bathroom, was that Ron and Hermione had no problem with Harry's sexuality. And I should bloody well hope not,
said a fierce voice in the back of my mind. But the bad news... they didn't approve of me.

It wasn't exactly a crazy reaction - I had, after all, mocked and tormented them for years - but it stung all the same. Were they so willing to believe the worst of me?

Bloody Gryffindors. They claimed to be so much better than the rest of us, always putting themselves a level above the other houses, and two levels above the Slytherins. But in reality, they were a prejudiced bunch of do-gooders, prejudiced against the kids in the 'evil house' whose parents had made some bad decisions, branded for life as children by the very people that claimed to be fighting for freedom.

Interrupted from my mental rant by the creak of a wizard opening the door to the bathrooms, I jerked up and hastily left through the door, still in a slight stupor, when who should I run into but Astoria Greengrass.

She stared at me for a few seconds, and then breathed, "Dray."

"Astoria. Hi." This was exceptionally awkward, since she'd been my first girlfriend and one of the reasons I'd figured out I was gay. I'd broken up with her on the claim that she wasn't 'the one' for me, which was a half-truth, but she had no idea that I was gay.

"I'm so glad I ran into you, Dray." Her mopey voice was sickening. I fought the urge to throw up.

We literally go to the same school, Astoria. Was what I nearly said, but she suddenly burst into tears. "I hate the way things ended between us." She sobbed as she threw her arms around me. I stood there for a bit and then awkwardly put my arms around her.

"Me too." I said. She quieted. "I'm sorry I hurt you." I said genuinely. "I regret it. You don't know how much."

I did. She might be one of the most annoying people on the planet but I regretted that her heart had been broken when I could never have been attracted to her in the first place.

"You- you do?" She said.

"More than you know." I murmured. It really hadn't been fair to her at all.

"Draco, do you have a girlfriend right now?" She said suddenly.

"No..." Great. Here comes the awkward conversation. "I actually-"

But before I could say have a boyfriend, she'd smashed her lips onto mine, her hands round my neck as she kissed me desperately. Oh.

Shocked, it took me a few seconds to react.

Too long. Because suddenly a cold voice cut the air like a knife, cracking slightly.


A horribly familiar voice that had come at exactly the wrong moment, in the few seconds it took for me to push her away.

I pushed away from Astoria instantly like I'd been burned but I could see by his facial expression the damage had already been done.

"Harry, I can explain-" I began, but he interrupted me.

"Do you know I defended you? I told Ron and Hermione you'd never hurt me. I told them I trusted you. And this is how you repay me? Aren't you my boyfriend, for god's sake?" His eyes were shining with unshed tears.

But at this, Astoria burst out laughing. "Draco? Your- your boyfriend? Draco, gay? Oh, this is too funny. Draco," - she took a moment to catch her breath - "you've been playing with Harry Potter? Surely the Chosen One knows better than to think that a Slytherin would love him - and Draco Malfoy, no less!" No. No. No.

Harry was getting whiter by the second. "Draco- is this true? Is- is Astoria Greengrass your girlfriend?"

Of course not, I wanted to say. I opened my mouth ready to explain but Astoria beat me to it. "Well, of course I am." She said without a trace of remorse. "Didn't the sight of us kissing answer that question for you?"

Harry closed his eyes and turned away, walking back towards the restaurant. I started after him but he was gone almost before I could blink. Apparated.

"Sorry for ruining the joke." Said Astoria as if she was discussing which dish she'd ordered.


"Sometimes it's the kindest thing, though." She ploughed on, oblivious. "He looked like he was in pretty deep."

"Astoria- Astoria. Listen to me. Please don't interfere in my personal life."

"Of course not." She said in a voice that quite plainly said I would never! "But he was obviously a joke."

"No, Astoria, he wasn't." She raised her eyebrows and I took a deep breath. "I am gay. And Harry is- or was- my boyfriend."

She looked stunned. "You're kidding." And, seeing my face, said, "Oh my god. You and Potter?" She made little attempt to hide her disgust for Harry.


"Draco, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She stammered, suddenly realising, too late, that she'd made a terrible mistake.

"You didn't let me tell you. I was about to."

"Oh. And I-"

"Shoved your lips onto mine, yeah. I'm going to go now. I need to try and convince Harry that you were lying."

"Right. Sorry again." She said. I wasn't cruel enough to say sorry doesn't cut it. She couldn't have known.

I Apparated back to the Hogwarts gates. It was the only place I thought could be a haven for Harry. Where else had he ever felt safe? Well... with me. But not anymore, reminded a nasty voice in the back of my head. How could he feel safe with you after what you did?

I started on the path up to the castle with a sigh. He would never forgive me, never believe me. How could he ever want to speak to me again when Astoria had confirmed all his worst fears? That it was just a game? That I wasn't actually gay?

With a crack like a breaking heart the heavens split open, releasing the torrent of tears it had been holding in for so long. I collapsed at the side of the path, unable to stop crying, sobbing, shaking. I couldn't do it. I couldn't go back. I was no Gryffindor, after all. How could I look at Harry after what I'd done to him?

But where to go? I supposed I could stay at home and Apparate in the morning for my classes. But was the Malfoy residence home anymore?

I had no other options. I was a coward, through and through. A true Slytherin. I dragged myself up, back the few metres to the gates and Apparated home.

Sorry I took so long to update, it was a bit cruel of me to leave you guys on that cliffhanger!

I suppose there's nothing much to really enjoy reading in this chapter but I hope you found it gave you some peace of mind at least after the end of the last chapter.

(Don't hate too much on Astoria. She's just an idiot who read into what Draco said in completely the wrong way.)

Also THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!!!! You guys are amazing❤️❤️

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