:check in and a game

132 11 25

morninggg babes 🥰
y'all slept well?
I had a test today 😗

Okay so the game for today is unpopular opinions. Say y'all's right here......

Mine are:
*I'm sick of seeing the same FCs in these books
* why do Wattpad authors feel the need to always have the darkskin character as the bad guy?
*you can't really compare Nicki and Cardi cause Cardi does not even write her own songs🌚
*That Charli girl has no talent. She got famous off stealing someone's dance

*I hate how writers make the male character cheat then the female goes back to him. Then they be talking bout how Everyman cheat. Like wtf. So many young girls read these books. Stop doing that.

Kkayyy. Imma need y'all to make me a writing schedule. I have three books I'm working on rn. also check out my books if you didn't yet ❤️

Yallll yesterday someone pm me and was like I love your book, keep up the good work. When I tell you I cried 🥺🥺

aight some of y'all sent me books. imma have the reviews up for them by Sunday. I just need some time to read the books 😘

what do y'all want me to update today?

have a good day y'all 💕

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