The tsunami maker in the erath shaker

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Miranda ask nerissa were they going to we are going to invite people to your special day is tonight mom
Want everybody to be at your coronation bob every prince will be their so will Poseidon well tonight is going to be good watch in see our friends are going wish you a happy birthday so mom wants you to be ready to it going to be the best time of your life you will talk to the prince and kings in dance to will you be their to nerissa yes don't be afraid  I will be right behind you at all times tell me when you want to leave but nerissa are you sure about the coronation bob. yes don't worry I will watch you so  don't forget I will come to if you need me I will be on the  felt side  of you Miranda   well  I guess we can do it Miranda said to nerissa looked at Alexandria should we even get her ready or call the company off know she need a boyfriend it for the best she is away to because she
Because she is the baby so let show her to mom she looks so pretty my beautiful baby come to mom right here mom wow Miranda you are so beautiful I can't believe this is my daughter wow your father be to see how beautiful his daughter is were is father then oh come Oceanus  come in see how beautiful your daughter look would be proud  come here my little muffin aw dad thank you  you  are welcome my beautiful daughter so get ready for to go to the coronation bob which is for your birthday tonight is the company so special for you since it your birthday you are the only one who is not in engagement so is that what this it  all about  yes honey .

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