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Let the rain come down and wash away my tears

Let it fill my soul and drown my fears

Let it shatter the walls for a new sun...

A new day has come

A new day has... come


I heard a knock on the door of the guest room I was staying in. "You up?" I heard a female voice. I threw a glance at my watch. It was about seven in the morning. Of course I was awake. I stood up and took the door. The dark-skinned healer I had met day-before-yesterday, stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah?" I asked, when she didn't say anything. It wasn't meant to be harsh, it wasn't harsh, but she still flinched.

"S-Sapphire wanted to see you. She asked me to escort you." she said.

"Let's get going then." I said, stepping out of the room. I didn't know why she sent for me so early in the morning. I was kind of taken aback, by the fact that she hadn't come herself. But this was her land, I would better follow her lead... for now.

The woman led me out of the little square building in which Juliette and I were staying. I was generally aware of the healer cautiously eyeing me from the corners of her eyes, sizing me up.

"I don't think we have been introduced..." I said, hoping to start a conversation. The silence was creeping me out.

"Yeah, right. I am Anna Schulyer." she said sticking out her hand for me to shake.

"You already know me." I said shaking her hand. The awkward silence fell over again and we kept walking to a destination unknown to me. The rocky path soon welded into a well built road. The way was lined with all kinds of military bases on either side. With a few houses here and there. I could see the smoke rising from chimneys. The day was just starting. People watched me curiously, through their windows, intrigued by a new visitor. Whether they had heard about what happened between me and their chief, or not. I had no idea.

"So, how long have you known Sapphire?" I asked Anna after a long time.

"Since she came here, approximately seven years ago." she answered.

"Are you friends?"

"Best friends." she said lookin at me as if that was obvious. I nodded.

I could make out the looming silhouette of a castle like encampment in the distance. Even from this far it looked majestic. High towers encircled it on all four directions, mounted with gigantic crossbows. Sentries lined the walls, staring into the horizon, unblinkingly with binoculars. I realized they were on high alert, as if expecting an attack any moment.

The iron-studded double doors were flanked on either side with armoured guards. Anna went over to one and whispered something in his ear. He nodded back. She turned to me and motioned to follow her. The fortress was grander on the inside. I gawked at the high ceiling that seemed to stretch into the sky forever. Magical folks were terrible show-offs but I couldn't help but be impressed. The best architecture I had seen before this was the Pack House back home, but it was a toolshed compared to this. I wondered what this cult needed so many fortifications for.

Anna led me up so many flights of stairs I lost count. Finally, we reached the top floor. It had only one room. A grand pair of French doors engraved with some kind of writing and the image of a dragon like animal swallowing a burning warrior. Why would someone such an image on their front door?

My escort knocked the door sharply.

"Enter." I heard Sapphire's authoritative voice. The doors opened on their own accord.

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