So Basically Grian-

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TW/CW: Fire

Prompt: N/A

Characters: Grian, Mumbo, Ex, Etho, X

Style: Crack/fluff

Word Count: ~700

AU: Mortuus AU


Xisuma had left the server. That was the first mistake of the day. The second mistake was leaving Mumbo in charge.

"Are you sure you'll be ok?" X had been questioning whether it was a good idea to leave all the other Hermits alone for a day. He knew more than anyone how crazy they could be sometimes after all, he'd been there from the beginning.
"We'll be fine, X. It's not like someone's gonna nearly burn something down. Now go and enjoy your day away from here, you need it." X smiled at him and logged off. The other Hermits were going about their daily tasks, with nothing going wrong. Then, after 7 hours of nothing going wrong, Grian got an idea.

Having searched his storage system for the items, Grian was going to prank the HEP. He planned to set the top of the base on fire and then pour lava down the inside. For the Hermits, this was a pretty basic prank, but today it would be most dramatic thing that month. Grian put on the signature Bdubs head of the resistance then took his flint and steel and flew up to the top of the futuristic building resting in the shopping district. He quickly set fire to the topmost blocks, removing the carpet first.

He jumped off the tower, forgetting to open his elytra as he face-planted the ground losing four hearts of health. Eating a golden carrot, he swapped his lava buckets from his shulker to his hotbar. He flew back up the building, this time landing in the doorway.
"They don't have an interior!" Grian murmured to himself, "This is why I'm a resistance member! At least we have an interior to our base." He placed some dirt blocks as scaffolding and placed the lava everywhere he could until he ran out. He jumped out the building, again missing the correct time to open his elytra. Turning around, Grian noticed something that shouldn't have been happening. The fire was spreading.

Grian reached for his communicator, quickly calling Mumbo.
"What have you done now?" Mumbo said as he picked up.
"Glad to see you have such good faith in me Mumbo." Mumbo didn't respond to Grian's sarcastic comment.
"Anyway," Grian continued, "I may or may not have set the HEP on fire as a prank, but the fire is spreading and I'm pretty sure it's not meant to do that."
"You heard me"

"...I'll be there in a second"

Grian tried to stop the flames from spreading while Mumbo called Xanus to try and fix whatever had happened to the code to change the firetick rule to true. The flames were being contained by Grian and Etho, who had been nearby playing Decked Out, and Xanus was looking for a possible glitch in the code. Mumbo found himself having to explain what had happened to a freshly logged on Xisuma.

"Is anyone going to tell me what on earth is going on here?"

"Well," Mumbo started, "it's kinda hard to explain, but basically Grian-"

"Right, got it. Forget I asked."

"No, it wasn't exactly Grian's fault."

"Well that's a surprise. Normally it is Grian's fault. So, what happened then?"

"Basically, Grian was pranking the HEP by setting fire to their base and putting some lava down but once he finished he noticed the fire was spreading which suggests that a glitch was effecting the firetick command which Xanus is searching for now but they don't think that it will be anything too difficult to fix." X sighed and looked at Mumbo,

"You know you can breathe whilst you're talking, right?" Mumbo laughed as X pulled up his command screens to aid Xanus in finding the glitch. He turned to see Grian and Etho had managed to put the fire out and they had bucketed the lava to prevent it from starting again. He clocked a bit of their conversation as they went about fixing the building,

"...But can you believe it Etho! They're trying to oppose us and yet their base doesn't even have a floor let alone an interior!"

"This is why the Mycelium Resistance is gonna win this thing. We're obviously the better side here."

Mumbo smiled; he didn't know how he would survive without the craziness that his friends had injected into his life. After all, this was Hermitcraft, they were all a bit crazy really.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, until next time, bye! ~Mors

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