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The rest of the weekend was quite frustrating, and Monday came by as slowly as could possible be. Cherry had awaited a text or a call, or anything really from her girlfriend all weekend, but every hour that passed she got more and more hopeless, nearly beginning to assume that she wouldn't get anything from her.

At first, she thought that Fleur was just busy, after all, she was indeed quite popular, and did have a lot of studying to do, considering that they had a quiz in potions the following week, not that Cherry cared, since after all she no longer went to Beauxbatons academy of magic. She most definitely had time for her girlfriend, but everyone needed a break every once in a while.

But as the day passed and the sun had started to set, Cherry gazed out the window, staring at the glow of the last of the rays from the sun and started to question whether the long distance thing was really going to work out? She reckoned maybe Fleur jus needed a bit of time to adjust to the major change, Cherry did, too, after all.

She recalled the night before she had left the castle, and she remembered them not talking about the future, and she remembered that neither one of them asked the other how they felt about a long distance relationship. What if Fleur never wanted it, but didn't say anything?

Or maybe Cherry was just overthinking it.

That Monday morning, her alarm went off at eight am, yelling at her to get the hell up because it was going to be the day that she was leaving her still brand new home and going to Hogwarts school of Wizardry.

Alicia was in the breakfast making pancakes, a quick breakfast before the taxi she ordered whisked her daughter off to platform 9 3/4. After all this time having knowledge about the wizarding world, one would assume that she'd gotten used to this, but no, she really hadn't. The thought of sending her daughter away to some creepy castle to teach her magic tricks was still shocking to her, even after the six years that her daughter had been attending Beauxbatons.

A few minutes later, Cherry trudged downstairs still in her pajamas, having only brushed her teeth and brushed her hair to the best of her ability. After eating a pancake and a half, she went back upstairs to change and do her makeup.

She had already bought her required uniforms and robes, but was she really going to be wearing them? Definitely not. Instead, she put on a black pleated shirt and a white button down, rolling the sleeves up and unbuttoning the top three buttons. She put on a few black wrist bands and a black choker matched with a silver necklace, and small hoop earrings with a chain dangling off one of them.

Doing her makeup, she could hear her mum yelling for her to hurry up, and that the taxi would be here soon. After yelling "coming!", she quickly grabbed her trunk and her black backpack, along with her camera case, she trudged downstairs with her luggage and kissed her mum on the cheek goodbye, and went outside to greet the taxi driver, who was a brown haired guy who looked to be about in his mid thirties.

She put her things in the trunk and went to sit in the backseat, checking her notifications on her phone while shutting down the attempted conversation that came from the awkward taxi driver.

About half an hour later, Cherry paid the driver and got out of the car, grabbing her trunk and her camera case and bags, not looking up from the mafia! fanfiction on Wattpad she was reading.

Looking up, she saw platforms nine and ten, and remembered what her mum had said about getting into platform nine and three quarters.

Taking a deep breath, she ran straight into the wall, holding her breath, her heart beat rising just by the slightest amount. Opening one eye, she saw that she had crossed over the wall, right into platform nine and three quarter.

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