Chapter 35

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Isla's POV

I quickly changed into a flowy chiffon tank top blouse and lightwash jeans. As I was starting my makeup, I heard loud thuds from downstairs. I glanced at the clock, furrowing my brows. Luis and Henri weren't supposed to be here till 6 and it was only 5:30.

I poked my head out of Elliot's room, only to find everyone standing at the bottom of the stairs. I quietly padded down the carpeted staircase, coming up behind Elliot.

"We're looking for Elliot Hernandez," two uniformed police officers announced, glancing around. I put my hand on his back, his muscles tense under the thin black shirt.

"That's me," Elliot mumbled, his face expressionless.

"You're under arrest for suspicion of assault and gang affiliation."

"Excuse me?" he countered, a bewildered expression on his face.

"Where were you 3 nights ago between 12 am and 3 am?"

I felt the color drain from my face as I remembered that night. The night Elliot had gotten into a fight and we had tied the man with my drawstrings.

I let my eyes flicker to his parents who stared at him. His mother had a look of worry and shock. His father, well, he looked angry.

"That was me," I spoke, moving forward. Elliot's head snapped to me, his eyes blazing. I felt him grab my hand but I pulled away.

"Get my passport," I mumbled in his ear, dropping my hand from his. I pushed Elliot aside gently, standing in front of the officers.

"Pardon?" the officer with blonde hair did a double take, scanning me up and down.

"The incident at the train station right?" I asked quietly fiddling with my bracelet.

The officers shared a look before the other one nodded.

"We'll take you both in for questioning then," he stated, moving to grab me but I stepped back.

"No, that won't be necessary. You can ask him after you question me if there's something you're still unsure about. There's no reason for him to come."

"No he has to co-"

"His sister is currently at the hospital so if you'd please make this simpler on all of us, that'd be lovely," I said, giving him a deadly smile.

The officer stared at me before nodding reluctantly.

"May I get my jacket?" I asked as we neared the door. The officer shook his head in annoyance, but nodded after glancing at the sleeveless blouse I was wearing. I met Elliot at the door who handed me a black jacket.

I gave him a reassuring look as our hands brushed, sending sparks up my arm.

"Isla-"he started but I cut him off.

"Just relax. Have fun with your family. I'll call when I'm done," I said calmly, looking into his eyes. He searched my eyes and finally nodded.

"Passports in the pocket," he said, helping me slip into the warm clothing. It was big and smelled like him. It made me feel relaxed.

"Alright that's it," the officer huffed, grabbing my arm and yanking it behind my back. A gasp escaped my lips at his harsh movements.

"Hey! Watch it!" Elliot growled, glaring at the officer. 

"I'll be okay," I mouthed to him as my head was shoved into the back of a patrol car.

And with that, I was off to the police station.

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