1 : Oakley

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February 14, 20xx

The heat was too much. I needed to get out. It was only the morning but in Fresno, it felt like the afternoon. The temperature in the town was always fluctuating. It was annoying most of the time.

"Mom! I'm going to go to meet Sally and company! I'll be back in a few hours!"

"Okay," she yelled back from inside the bathroom.

Leaving the apartment, I walked to the corner store. With just enough money, I would be able to buy at least a packet of gum and a soda. Two things that were essential for me. Five dollars couldn't go a long way.

Exiting the little store, I walked my way to the school across the way where we planned to meet. I was glad that we lived next to a place that had the mall next to it. Despite not being able to have enough money, I was able to enjoy life to the fullest that I possibly could.

I only had six months left before I would leave this town forever.


I looked to see Sally and Tate. Tate was still the shy but loud boy we had befriended in middle school. It was him that I had learned the term ambivert, someone who had characteristics of introverts and extroverts.

"Tate, I thought you were grounded," I said as I neared them.

"He got out of it by telling his mom that he was going to tutor us," Sally laughed, throwing her head back.

Her blonde hair dangled behind her like a curtain. She was easily one of the prettiest girls I had met. It left me feeling envious that she didn't have to try for her looks.

"I also thought that his mom didn't like us but who knows?"

"Oh, I invited someone. He's new in my cousin's apartments. I went over, saw him, and figured that we should be nice to him. I mean, school is almost out and stuff and we're leaving soon but we can show him the ropes in town," Sally explained before her eyes went to a spot and stayed there.

I turned to see what she was looking at. In the distance, along the dirt path from the side of the mall, a boy with blue hair was walking our way. He looked to be tall but that could be the dirt adding length to his legs. I sipped my drink as we watched him appear.


"Dunno, he didn't get a chance to say, I just told him that we were hanging out and he should come with us. I figured since he also has a car that we could befriend him he could take us anywhere we wanted."

"That's the Sally I know. Always getting things to be the way she wants," Tate chuckled lowly as the guy was walking closer.

"Hey, you! So, I'm glad you came. This is Tate and Somer."

"Nice to meet you," I said as I nodded at him.

Tate did the same and then we all stood there, in silence. It was awkward. We didn't know what to say, we weren't used to new people in our small group.

"My name is Oakley," he said after a few seconds.

"Where ya from Oakley?"

"I'm originally from Utah but I moved when I was four to East Side Bay."

"What? That's where I'm going to college!" I said with my eyes widening a bit.


"Yeah, anything beats here. I've been on board with it since I got the email explaining things last year."

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