Chapter 65

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"What on earth just happened?" Jisung broke the silence, his eyes wide in shock while his mouth hung slightly open

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"What on earth just happened?" Jisung broke the silence, his eyes wide in shock while his mouth hung slightly open.

The rest of the members just stared at me petrified, looking back and forth between me and the unconcious SVT member, who was bleeding right underneath me.
I didn't care anymore though. The image they've had from me was already ruined so why even bother tryning to fix it.

Instead I looked down as well, my own chest rising and falling as if I was some type of animal, while I silently glanced at the bruises on Wonwoo's once so flawless skin.
I didn't even notice the feeling of satisfaction running trough my nerves, the smile on my face a bit too cheerful considering the blood adorning my face and fist.

It didn't take long until that expression vanished though as I realized the real problem and focused on only one person, simply ignoring the questioning faces of the others.

"Renjun!" it hit me like lightning and my head automatically shot in his direction.

Without hesitation, I ran towards him and bent down to the heartrendingly whimpering boy, whose fragile body was now shaking tormented.

"We have to get you to a doctor," it immediately left my lips fleetingly, before I hurriedly grabbed the knife that had landed on the floor and reached for the ropes behind his back.
I was about to cut him free when all of a sudden the brunette inhaled sharply, staring right past me with wide opened eyes.

It wasn't because of the shock he had after watching me beat up one of SVT, but rather the one he got after a familiar squeaking noise sounded.
His attentive and panicky eyes were directed behind me, glancing at the person who swiftly came running through the door, entering the chaotic theater room with heavy foot steps.

Without noticing, all the alarms in my head went off and before anyone could even warn me, the grip around my knife automatically tightened.

"What the-" The unknown SVT member couldn't finish speaking because I jumped up right at the same second, instantly turning on my heels to only find a brunette, taller boy a few meters away from me.

I immediately recognized that it was Mingyu who shared the same confused and shocked expression as the the other NCT members, quickly analyzing the situation right in front of him.
Not a moment later, I noticed his arm moving to the weapon in his pocket, but I was faster than him.

Even before his hand reached his own gun, I flung the blade in my hand at him at lightning speed, watching it cut right into his right shoulder.
Admittedly, I had aimed for his stomache and missed completely, but it was enough that the blade was now stuck deep in his arm.

Just as expected, Mingyu yelled in tremendous pain, grabbing his wounded shoulder unintentionally before trying to rip the knife out of it.
No time was wasted and I sprinted straight forward, jumping off the ground with two feet and kicking him with all my strength in his chest, right when he had pulled the weapon out of his wound.

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