Chapter Twenty-Five

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Cara James

"Harry can you just go home already it's been two days, I'm fine." I whined as I entered the kitchen to see Harry, shirtless and emptying my fridge once again. While I approve of the no shirt thing, I do mind that he has ate all of my food, food that I can't afford to replace might I add. He has also been pestering me non stop, 'I'm bored Cara'. 'Can we go to the bar?' 'Maybe we should have sex to pass the time'.

It's constant.

"Why would I leave when we are having so much fun?" He said, the sarcasm dripping from his voice. I glared at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Nobody asked you to be here Harry. Just leave. I'd rather grieve without you of all people here. I don't care if you are here to prove a point, there is nothing to prove Harry so just do me a favour and go, I don't have the energy mentally or physically to deal with you or anything that happened between us." I said, never taking my eyes off of him, hoping that would show him just how serious I was.

"You don't mean that."

"But I do Harry. I really do." I said quietly, Harry was silent but this time I didn't dare look up at him.  I heard a quiet laugh and looked up confused to see Harry making his way over to me quickly.  His hand reached up to my jaw, cupping it and before I could say anything else his lips were on mine and it was as if I have just time travelled back to last year. I know I haven't gotten over Harry, I just hoped if I ignored the magnetic feeling in me for long enough it would just disappear but now, now it's more obvious than ever.

It was like something else controlled my body as my lips began to move against his, my hands on his chest ready to push him away but never acting on it. It was only when his tongue started pushing through my lips that my mind was back in control and my hands pushed on his chest, separating our lips and bodies.

"What the fuck Harry!" I said loudly in frustration, breathing heavily. I looked at him, his cheeks flushed pink, lips slightly woollen from the force of the kiss, chest moving fast from his own breathlessness and his eyes dancing across my face before settling on my eyes.

"Tell me you didn't feel anything. Look me in the eye and tell me, if it's the truth then I'll go and I'll know if you lie to me Cara."

Just say it Cara, he doesn't know you now.  He knows the old you, he will never know if you lie. 

"I didn't feel anything."  I said coldly, watching Harry's face to see if he believed me or not. 

"Bullshit, you've got to try harder than that."  He said, his eyes filled with amusement.

Fuck him.

"Fine, I felt something, of course I did.  But whatever I felt was overcome with every ounce of sadness and heartbreak you brought me and that overpowers everything.  I'm not the same person anymore, you can't play these stupid fucking mind games with me anymore because I fell for it once before and I won't let that happen again.  I fucking loved you Harry.  You don't get to decide you want me now when you didn't while you had me."  I said with a straight face. 

How can he not understand? 

"I always wanted you Cara it was just going to be impossible when we were across the country from each other."  He said with a shake of his head, I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head at his words.

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