Raven Method

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-Lie on your back in a starfish position so that none of your limbs are touching

-Count to 100, this can be to 100(1..2..3 and so on) or from 100(100..99..98 and so on). In between each number, say an affirmation(visit the chapter labeled "Affirmations" for examples)

-While you are counting and saying your affirmations, picture your DR. If you have Aphantasia(like me lol) or have a hard time visualizing, feel your DR(what it smells like, the weather, the sounds, etc.)

-If you're not asleep by one hundred, keep counting or just fall asleep imagining your DR.

*Also, this method requires you to be half asleep, but don't be too tired or you'll fall asleep in the middle of counting(like me last night lol)*

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