4. To the Dinner

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Work was finally over. I sighed packing up all my stuff and heading out only to bump into Diz, again. I'm such a clutz.

A moved back coming face to face with her breast. My face immediately turned red and I turned my head "S-sorry!" I squeaked, embarrassed. "It's fine. Did you drive today?"

"No. I had decided to walk today." She smiled "No wonder you were so late." She said jokingly.

...She pays attention to what time I come to work?.....

I chuckled and nodded "Yeah."

We went over to her black sports car and got in. I wondered if she had got plastic surgery or if she was just born beautiful and wanted.... actually did she even have a boyfriend?..I wonder.


We had just ordered our food. I went with a burger and fries, she got a burger but with macaroni and cheese. We had both got sweet tea's although, I had always seen her as a coffee type woman.

"So, what's been going lately hun?"

I shrugged "I-... I'll uh...." I wasn't exactly sure how to say this. I hadn't thought of how to tell people I'd be getting plastic surgery.

"I'll be getting plastic surgery in about 3 months." I said quickly and sipped my tea. She looked a bit shocked "-Oh...I-...Really?"

I nodded slowly "Y-yeah.."

She paused looking at me "....I think you're gorgeous but... If this will make you happy, go for it. Do what makes you happy no matter what hun." She smiled.

I smiled and sighed *mentally* I was relieved. I'm glad she supported my decision. "Thanks. It's nice to know someone supports my decision! My mom is acting like it's going to kill her."

Diz nodded "That's parents for you." She chuckled "So, is there a reason or you just want too?"

I hummed. I liked the way she phrased that. I nodded "Yes and No. I mean-...You think I'm gorgeous and if course my mom does but....It's been proven that other people don't." I sighed "it'd be great if there were a guy like you out there" I giggled.

She tilted her head "A guy like me? What for?"

"A guy who thought I was gorgeous, and was sweet and handsome and could just...make me smile just by smiling." I shrugged blushing a little. "So he could love me...but then again you haven't even seen me with out make-up!"

The waiter came and dropped our food off. "...Why have a guy like me instead of just having me?"

I almost choked on my french fires "Akakakakckak----" I sipped my tea "Hm?"

Diz looked at me seriously "Why have a guy like me, when you could just have me?"

I chuckled awkwardly "Well I-..You're a girl..."
She smiled "And so are you."
"Exactly. Wouldn't that be...weird?"

She shook her head "Only if you make it weird. Maybe to others it'd look odd...but it's not about them. It's about what makes you happy."

I looked down at my food "....I've never been with a girl. I don't even know if I like girls, and I don't wanna use you for some experiment!"

Diz smiled softly "I'm offering to be used....Look, I won't force you. Heres my number. We can go on a date...an official date or..we can at least become friends. We only really talk at work and the eat it sometimes."

I nodded taking the paper "O-okay."

She bit her burger looking content.

Me on the other hand?....What the hell was I going to do?

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