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Izuku and I then went to Musutafu Mall to buy my clothes.Mrs.Midoriya gave some money to me for buying clothes that made me wanted to cry because she was so generous.Izuku and I were at clothes level so he decided to find me some clothes that suitable for me.Seriously I was kind bad in choosing clothes.As long as its suitable and comfort I was okay.

“BBB..do you like this?”Izuku showed me a blue cyan sweater.

“Well its not bad…why?”I asked.

“Just buy for you.So anything else you want?”he asked me.

“Well its enough.Dont worry I will buy another time”I said.

Izuku just nodded.So we went to Starbuck to buy drinks.Gosh I missed Special Chocolate Ice Tok Aba.The Musutafu town kind crowded bit.Thats why I preferred to live outside from town. I could see many people who got superpower but why they wont use it?.Was something detain them from use it in public.Maybe Izuku knew something.Yeah I had learnt from my mistake…I thought be show my power to Retakka made him scare like other aliens but I was wrong and due my mistake I lost Solar..but I got all my powers back and because of that I was here…stranded in another world.

“hey Izuku..can I know why people here didn’t use their power in public?”I asked him.
“Oh well..theres law that being apply on us.”Izuku said with a weak smile.

“Oh..but if they being rob or hurt how they want to defense themselves?”I asked him again.

“That’s the Pro-Hero job.They will settle the criminal”Izuku answered me.

I wanted to ask more bout this Pro-Hero but being an alien in this world made me more catious.Thats mean if you weren’t a Pro-Hero,you being accussed as vigilante.Thanks for TAPOPS curricular..I learnt in horrible way especially Laksamana Tarung and Captain Kaizo.We saw a robbery at the bank.There were a gang of mutant ran with few bar of golds.I need to distract my hero time this time. I didn’t want cause any chaos again.So I decided to walk away from the robbery scenery and Izuku noticed me. Gladly hahah..

“mmm..BBB why are you rushing?”he asked me.

“Err..i just want to get home as soon as possible.. im worried Mrs.Midory is alone at home”I tried to give an excuse.

Izuku looked at me and he just nodded.Phew what a luck.We arrived at home and Mrs.Midoriya was worried bout us because she heard bout robbery from Tv.The robbers being caught by Pro-Hero.Thank goodness.Izuku then entered into his room but me just sat on sofa in living room.Mrs.Midoriya sat opposite me and she smiled.

“I see you are eager want to be hero right?”she said to me.

“Eerr..yeah but Izuku said people here had to abide a law..well what law that made they need to follow actually?”I asked as this was so confusing lot.

“I see..well the law that we need to abide here is know as Hero Laws…which is all bout quirk using. First is quirk cannot be used publicly by any non-licensed hero.Second is quirk cannot be use to injure other persons under circumstances without cause and a hero license.Fourth is heroes quirks must be registered in public database and the fifth is quirk can be use for self-defense purposes when distress or present danger”Mrs. MIidoriya explained to me.

I just nodded and couldn’t believe it.What if the person died if Pro-Hero was late?

"I know its hard for you..i can see from your eyes..you are always helping anyone without care with your condition.Sometimes you need to adapt with your surrounding to make sure you arent into trouble"Mrs.Midoriya said to me.

I noded.I looked at my power watch.This watch had turned my life into extraordinary.

"Mrs.Midoriya..you speak like you are Pro-Hero.So full of determination"I chuckled.

"Well..i am a former Pro-Hero BBB before I married.I retired after got Izuku"Mrs.Midoriya smiled to me.

I was very shock when she said like that.No wonder she acted worried bout my quirk.I was still suspicious bout her.She seem hiding something and it was inapproriate to ask her.Maybe when is it true time I will get the answer.

"Wow Mrs.Midoriya you are awesome.So how you defeat the criminal or monster"I asked with joy.

"Oh well ..i was known as Magnetic because of my quirk.That day the criminal rate are low and not much quick manifest yet.I had team known as Trio Girl..well we just pick random name haha"Mrs.Midoriya said to me.

"Awesome..who are they"I started to fanboy (Leaf side)

"Well they are Rei who known as Blizzard as her quirk is ice element and Mitsuki who known as Guriserin as her qurik allow her skin look always moist "Mrs.Midoriys said.

I just awed when heard.

"So how I can be pro-hero if I dont want go be vigilante?"I need to find way to be hero this world.

"Well you can try entrance exam at UA like my son..he is train hard for the entrance exam.You are lucky if being chosen to in UA"Mrs.Midoriya said.

So i figured out that UA  a place to become hero.Its like TAPOPS..those who wanted to be officially TAPOPS member must face exam.I just sweardropped when the exam being hold by Laksamana Tarung All my elements and friend still cannot believe that Laksamana Tarung could eat Yaya biscuit like nothing!!

"In that case I will do my best for that exam..hmm  excuse me im going to my room"I said.

Mrs.Midoriya smiled.

"Good luck..BBB"she said.

I knocked Izuku door and Izuku opened it.

"Hmm Izuku..can I train with you on this evening?"I asked him.

"Sure..why not"Izuku said and started to mutter bout my quirks again.

why not"Izuku said and started to mutter bout my quirks again

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