Chapter 5

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I ran. As fast as my legs would take me. But he was gaining on me. And he was gaining fast.

“Nami! I’m not a murderer!’ NAMI!” Yuki called over and over again.

I wished with all my might that I was back with that perfect stranger, back with Saul. He seduced me so easily, made me feel safe. He made me feel so secure. Every fiber of my being missed that feeling. Yet, I still wonder why the last glimpse I saw of him, his face was just as twisted as Yuki’s was, if not more. He looked like the devil himself…

But I paid no mind to that.

Yuki was a murderer. And he was going to kill me now that I knew it. If he can rip out the heart of an innocent child, then I don’t even want to have an idea of what he will do to me. I kept wishing and wishing for Saul to come save me. I kept wanting for him to just appear in front of me so I could run into them and feel alright again. Nothing happened. A strong hand wrapped around my arm and yanked me back. I fell to the ground, along with Yuki, hitting my head hard. Hot, red liquid oozed from my mouth and my vision blurred as my body begged for me to stay down. Nevertheless, I forced myself up, stumbling a little before taking off once more.

I couldn’t tell a tree from a rock. It all looked the same to me. They were obstacles and I needed to avoid them. Every time I saw one, I swerved right or left, giving myself more than enough room to fall and not kill myself. Two hands gripped my upper arms, stopping me from running. My world began to spin like a tornado.

“Stop running!” Yuki yelled. That was the last thing I heard before passing out again.


I woke up in the cabin, the light of the fire gone, in it’s place, sunlight. I reached up and wiped the blood from my mouth. It was darker than any shade of red I had seen before against the pale of my hand. I looked around the room. Saul was standing at a large window to the left of me, staring out into the woods. The image of his twisted face flashed through my mind. I disregarded it in naivety.

“Am I dead?” I asked hesitantly.

He chuckled. “No. You called me. So I am here.”

“Saul, is he going to kill me?”

He turned around to face me, a serious look on his face. “No. Not yet. The things I showed you were not memories. They were visions of the future. A future that is sure to come true if you do not stop it.”

“Me?” I repeated.

“Yes. You.” Annoyance laced his voice. I swallowed, staring at the dark sheets for a moment before looking back at him.

“But how can I stop that?”

“Child, when we first met, I told you that I was here to tell you your fate. Well here it is, served up on a silver platter. You are destined to end the darkness, bring an end to the rein of evil before it begins. You are the one, our hero, our savior. You are the child of destiny reborn. And if you can’t find a way, then no one will.”

I stared at him. Saul rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed. He stared at me for a little while longer before sitting on the bed and wrapping his arms around me. He rested my head against his chest.

“I know it’s a lot. I know. Any moment now, I’m expecting you to either go into denial or pass out. But no matter what you do or where you run, you cannot escape it. You cannot escape destiny. It is beyond us, beyond the lords and sires, beyond even the kings and queens of our worlds. It is the Goddess’ work at hand and not you or me or anyone in this universe can change it. I’m sorry.”

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