Chapter 9: First Day of Fourth Year

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F I R S T   D A Y   O F  F O U R T H   Y E A R


Draco's POV

I heard her before I saw her.

I heard her wonderful laughter a couple feet behind me and felt my heart warm up. This summer was odd, a couple months without seeing her everyday felt like an eternity. I missed her attitude, her sass, the fire she had inside her that led her to put up a good fight. I could never like someone who's weak, they'd be too easy. I kept walking until I got off the train but stayed back, waiting to catch a glimpse of Katerina, even though she'd probably be with her stupid friends, I mean the other Granger's not that bad, except for the fact that she's a filthy mudblood of course.

Kat's a mudblood too. My subconscious reminded me, I told him to suck it.

There she was, finally. And goodness if I thought she looked good last year... this year she looks amazing. She had gained a little weight, I loved it though. Her hips and chest are fuller, her thighs have grown too. This weight she put on accentuates all the beautiful features she already had. And... did she do something to her hair? It's... red? But not the ugly color the Weasels have, it's a beautiful, rich kind of dark red. Her hair's longer as well, but I'm not complaining, it looks great. She looks great.

"Mal!" I heard that wretched voice I could've lived a lifetime without call out her name.

"Cedric!" He ran up to her and lifted her up by her waist spinning her around. Her head rolled back with laughter. Put her the fuck down, bloody Diggory.

"You look amazing!" Yeah, we all know that you dumbass. Kat, being the annoyingly nice person she is, blushed and thanked him profusely. You know you look great, there's no need to thank him so much. "Did you do something to your hair?"

Obviously, you jackass, it's not even the same color, what are you? Blind?

"Yeah... you don't like it?" Her face took on a look of insecurity I knew all too well. I swear if he says something shitty about it I'll Incendia his ass.

"I do! It looks..." he held a strand of her hair, "different." That's it? Real smooth Diggory.

"Different?" The look of insecurity on her face grew.

"Good different." He quickly tried to fix his fatal mistake.

"Umm... thanks." She mumbled and tied her hair up in a ponytail, in an attempt to hide the difference.

Great job Bloody Diggory. I'll show you how it's done. I tugged on my jacket and walked over to her, pulling her away from the others by her wrist.

"Well hello to you too." She rolled her eyes and jerked her wrist from my hold.

"So... how are you?" She looked at me and scrunched her eyebrows at my pathetic attempt to make conversation. Her face is like an open book, and I particularly like that because she rarely says what she's thinking unless it's to fight with me.

"Good, you?"

"You look good." I looked at the floor, nervous about her response.

"Umm... thank you? You look good too." Her eyes scanned over my body and I got a little more of my confidence back. She ran her hand through my hair, "You no longer look like someone dipped your head in a tub of gel. I like it. It's cute." She said shamelessly.

"You're one to talk, look at this." I tugged at the elastic holding her hair in a ponytail and saw her wince in pain, "Sorry." I let her hair go and watched as it spread flawlessly across her shoulders.

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