Chapter 51

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I leave Jahní resting from all the days excitement, while I walk along the beach thinking of all the events that have transpired since coming to Majah Prime. The choices I've made are taking me down a path that I don't think I can get off of. The sun is setting and it's beautiful to behold. "Lovely sunset is it not?" I turn around and an old man is there.

He's not very tall and frail looking. He has a cane, which he leans on heavily. Is he one of the staff on the island? "Yes it is. I don't recall meeting you the last time we were here." There's something strangely familiar about him, but I can't put my finger on it.

He chuckles a little. "No I don't imagine you would, since it's been a long time since our last meeting."

A long time? I don't remember this person at all. "Excuse me for being rude, but I don't know you." He steps closer to me and pats my arm and a warm familiarity enters the bottom of my soul.

"Come my young friend we have to talk." He points to the trees near the beach, as he hobbles in that direction. I follow without hestation; We reach a clearing in the woods where a fallen tree trunk is laying in the center. He sits down and pats the a spot next to him where I sit. "So tell me, what's troubling you my young friend?"

I rub my chin wondering why I even followed him here not questioning him at all. I have to admit that I need to speak to someone about everything. "I'm not sure you would understand what is happening in my life." I trust this old man. "What is you name?"

He smiles nodding his head. "Elo is my name, that is what most call me. Now, may I have your name"

"Antonio is my name." He seems amused at my name, but I dismiss it not taking offense at his reaction. "Now, you said that we have much to talk about. So how can I help you?"

He looks up at the sky as the first stars begin to appear. "once long ago there." He points to a specific spot in space. In fact, to particular star. "A great battle was fought there, which altered the course of the galaxy." He seems nostalgic as he speaks. "It was there that the three great powers in the galaxy came to be."

I look back at him. "What powers?"

He runs his hand through his white hair as if debating something in his mind. "The Majah-tu, the Barhalmahni, and the Kohnovak. The three eldest races at this time."

What does this have to do with my situation? "That's very interesting, but what does all this mean to me. My world had nothing to do with that time." Earth wasn't even on the map then, and we were only discovered maybe a thousand years ago.

He laughs and damn it I know his laugh. This is strange how do I know him? "Once, in a world far from here you said the same thing to me, but that is another story." What did he say. "There is another meeting about to happen once more, and the betrayer is back again."

"The betrayer?"

He turns to me studying me closely. "You have not fully awakened yet. This is a problem."

I frown at his comment not understanding. "I don't...

He puts his hand on my forehead speaking in language that I can't comprehend. I feel a strange sensation run through my body. "This will help you to remember, but you mustn't fight what is your mission."  I look at him and suddenly Elo, his face and who he is starts to come to me. "Be strong for the balance of power is once again at play here, and you my son have to do your part to save it."

To save it. Yes that has been the mission from the beginning. But what about the Helios and her crew and the people of Earth; what about them? Won't this war spread even there? I lean forward looking down at my feet with the weight, of this choice set before me. If I reject my duty the galaxy will fall into chaos, but if I follow the path set the destruction coming will be great.

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