[Connor Drabble]

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A/N: I hope you like it!

Warnings: Connor having a panic attack of some kind?

Word count: 435

Prompts: A21. "I'm okay. I'm perfectly fine. Yeah... okay, I'm not fine." and B13. "I'm not the person you want in your life." "Yes you are."

Connor was slowly deviating - he had started to care about you and Hank, and he was starting to realize it himself too. So when you found Connor sitting in the break room, his hands shaking and his LED circling red, you were immediately concerned of him malfunctioning.

"Connor, are you alright?" you asked as you walked beside him.

He turned his gaze on you, staring at you for a bit before he started nodding. "I'm okay. I'm perfectly fine. Yeah..." he tried to console you, but you just frowned at him, knowing he wasn't. That kind of talk wasn't like him. So he sighed and confessed, "Okay, I'm not fine."

You sat beside him, ready to listen to him talk. "What's the matter?"

"I have... spared deviants. For you and Hank. I'm not programmed that way, I should always accomplish my mission. Am I... deviating?" he frowned at his own words and you took a hold of his hand.

"Hey, it's okay."

"I'm a deviant hunter! I can't be a deviant myself!" he exclaimed and you glanced around, worried that someone heard, but nobody seemed to notice the scene. You licked your lips and shook your head.

"I think you're a better person this way." you smiled. "I don't care if you're a deviant. I like you this way."

Connor leaned forward, covering his face with his hands. "Deviants are dangerous, a threat to-"

You shook your head again. "No, they aren't. You're my friend, you're not a threat."

Connor flinched as you called him your friend. "Androids can't have friends. Y/N, I'm not the person you want in your life. If I'm turning deviant, I can malfunction and... hurt you."

You smiled sadly. "What do you mean you're not the person I want in my life? Yes you are. Can't you see, Connor? We are friends. You're talking to me about this, you trust me. You worry about me. And you've saved deviants. You're not malfunctioning, you're being a... human."

Connor's LED started circling red again. "I'm a machine. Machines can't be like humans. I'm going to be destroyed if I'm deviating."

You took a hold of his hand again, guiding it away from his face. "You won't. I'll be protecting you."

After a moment of silence and him concentrating on getting his LED turning blue again, he squeezed your hand back slightly, silently thanking you for listening, before he stood up, straightened his jacket and went back to Hank's desk.

And you looked at him go, and almost saw his artificial mind processing the information - he tried to accept his deviancy, tried to accept that he had a mind of his own.

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