ii. forsaken love

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December 13, 1518

"Katherine is growing up to be just like you," Mary Tudor said, "And Anne is so witty. You can't help but adore them. Henry is lucky to have such brilliant daughters."

Wrapped in layers of warm fur and cloaks, Mary and I embarked on a leisurely stroll through the beautiful gardens. The plants were covered in a light blanket of fluffy snow, but the path was cleared. 

By the time Mary, now twenty two, returned from her exile, her and Charles Brandon had resolved their conflict with Henry. Their debt was paid, and Henry forgave them both. I thought the whole ordeal was quite excessive. 

"Yes, and I am very proud of them," I replied, "I do worry sometimes, though."

"About what?" Mary asked innocently.

"Many things, but mainly the future," I answered, "I worry that I will lose Henry's love and favor, and then be doomed to an undesirable fate. I worry for Katherine's birthright as heir to the throne and Anne's marriage to the Dauphin of France. I worry that the nobles who dislike me will forge some evidence that is reason enough for me to lose my throne, possibly even my head."

"Well, you have Henry's love and that is all you truly need to survive at court," Mary said hopefully.

I smiled warmly before giving her my grim response, "I wish it was that simple," I said, "I have Henry's love and adoration now, but who could say if I'd have it if the nobles said I committed treason? Or adultery? Or... or that I am a witch? I live with a sword hanging dangerously over my head."

"Yet you possess more grace and courage than any other woman at court," Mary said, "You are a remarkable woman, Anna."


December 15, 1518

"If you were stupider, you'd be happier," Elizabeth observed, placing a card on the table. A warm fire burned beside us, with palace staff scurrying about quietly.

"Yes, I suppose I would," I agree, "For example, I would not know that my husband is having an affair."

"Henry's having an affair?" Elizabeth asked, shocked, "Are you sure? With who?"

"Jane Popincourt" I answered, "She has been seen entering the king's chambers at night and leaving the following morning on numerous occasions. I don't know much about her, other than she is French and a lady in waiting of Mary Tudor's."

"I am sorry, Anna. That must be awful," Elizabeth said, "There must be something you can do, though. You are Queen Consort, after all."

I shook my head. "No, there isn't. I could confront him, but I fear I am already losing his love. I am not afraid of Henry, or his power, or dying a martyr's death, I am afraid of the consequences. Think of my daughters... things would be horrible for them."

Elizabeth nodded, her dark hair bobbing up and down slowly. "Why not confront Jane? If you are sure it is her, then she cannot deny it. Perhaps you could persuade her to stop."

"Perhaps," I agreed, "I'll deal with it tomorrow. Excuse me"

I stood up abruptly, leaving the room. Elizabeth remained at the table, lingering pointlessly. I felt a little bad for leaving her there, but I'd been so stressed that it wasn't my initial thought. All of the stress was eating through my mask of happiness.

"Your Majesty, the Princesses-"

I glanced at the door, startled by the new voice. In the doorway, Lady Bryan stood with my daughters, who were standing on opposite sides of her. Anne wore a dress the color of daffodils, which complimented Katherine's pale pink one nicely. Hoods were pushed back, revealing dark hair.

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