Chapter 30

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Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours. Or at least that's how I felt it like. Kanae and Sabito haven't come back and I had already read maybe three or four books.

Meanwhile, Tamayo went to her research room with Yushiro and I have to admit that I am a little bit curious about her research room. So curious that I can't concentrate on this encyclopedia in my hand.

Knowing that my curiosity would win me, I set the encyclopedia on the table and made my way to Tamayo's research room. Since I am a good person, I knocked on the door and waited for either Tamayo or Yushiro to give me permission to come in.

The door slid open and I was greeted with Yushiro's glaring face.

"What? Is there something else you want?" he asked me and I could feel that I was not welcome to his alone time with Tamayo.

"Maa maa, no need to be so hostile. Or what? Do you want me to go away so you can do something 'indecent'?" I could feel my smirk appearing as Yushiro blushed furiously.

"Just kidding. I was just curious and wanted to come here to observe. If that is okay to you or Tamayo-san, of course." I stopped my teasings and told the real reason.

Yushiro didn't like my teasings at all so he slammed the door shut. Even though I knew that I was not welcomed by Yushiro, I still let myself in.

The research room wasn't that big as I thought. There was only a shelf where Tamayo kept all her tools and then a table with... is that a freaking microscope that she is using!?

My eyes were a little bit wide in surprise and I could feel small happiness inside me appear. Sure I have seen the microscopes all the time in my chemistry classes but seeing one here in a timeline that I still don't know makes me a little bit happy.

"Are you surprised? You must be since every item here is brand new." Yushiro told me smugly and I nod back. I saw Yushiro's smug smirk grow bigger and I couldn't help but think about slapping that smirk of his.

"Kochou-kun, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Tamayo asked me while looking at the poison with the microscope.

"Hm?" I hummed back, noticing how Yushiro's scowl appeared once more. Maybe because I was rude or something else.

"How much do you know about this poison?" taking out her notebook, Tamayo wrote stuff in it.

"Not much. Shinobu- My imouto likes to keep it a secret. But I do know that it has Wisteria Flowers in it." I informed her as much as I knew.

I know that I have read the books Shinobu has but they were mostly about medical herbs. Don't know why medical herbs but I guess they are related to her poisons.

Tamayo seemed to think about something as she tapped her pencil into her notebook. With each tap, she walked around and glanced between the poison and the notebook.

"Kochou-kun, do you think if it is possible for me to meet with your imouto?" she asked me another question.

"I... don't actually know." I admitted honestly and Tamayo nodded back as if she understood why or just accepted my reply. Yushiro on the other hand didn't like my answer.

In fact, everything I say and do in front of Tamayo makes him angry or mad so I'm just going to ignore him for a while. But I still feel like I should apologize so I will.

"Sorry..." with a quiet voice yet loud enough to hear, I apologized to Tamayo.

"It is okay. I know that Demon Slayer Corps is busy these days." Tamayo told me with a kind smile. Seeing that I was forgiven, I felt glad and kind of embarrassed.

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