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It was 6:00am when I woke up. I realize there was no school today because of what happened last night. They wanted everyone inside.

I guess this is serious. But I don't mind at all Fuck school.

I got some texts from Sara if I did her homework. Then she kept talking about Isaac Foster and how it's SOOO scary. It was pretty annoying I soon just left her on read. I sighed and got ready to do her homework she kept begging me to do. I did it for about 5 minutes untill it was exhausting. So I put on a black jacket and dark blue jeans to go for a walk.

I know, I know, it's a bad idea but honestly I'm fucking bored and when I'm bored I think about hurting or even killing myself. Besides if there's a murderer on the loose hopefully he'll just end me. No one would care anyways, I don't have any parents. All my friends are fake as fuck and I just am lonely.

I grabbed my bag and went out. I walked for a few minutes nobody was really out and it was still early in the morning too so it wasn't as scary. I walked into a public park and sat on a bench, it was pretty cold. I heard them sirens from the distance I got up quickly and walked towards it.

Cops don't really come around my neighborhood because of how small it is and everybody basically knows each other.

As I was walking I heard a loud bang coming from an alleyway that I passed. It startled me but I was second-guessing if I should go in there or not. Knowing there's a killer on the loose and he's probably in there. I also thought if I turned him into the police I could be rich and not go to school and not deal with those fuckers. So I decided to walked into that alleyway.

"Hello?" I said. No answer. I kept on walking start into the ally way. I reached a dead end and let out a sad sigh. But when I turned around. There he was; Isaac Foster holding a scythe around my neck but what caught my eye was he looked like he was hurt he was holding on to his side as blood gushed out. I slowly looked up into his eyes seeing two different colors. He suddenly fell dropping his scythe with him. He was definitely injured he fainted because of all the blood loss. I crouched down to the boy and placed my ear to his chest. I could still hear his heartbeat and he was still breathing.

I should save him.


I woke up in a strange room, I noticed that my bullet wound was patched up my jacket was off. But still had my bandages around me. I looked around the room examining it. It looks like a house.

Someone has brought me here but why?

Then I remembered what happened

I saw a girl in the alleyway I was about to kill her but I blacked out did she save me?

I got up from the bed and opened the door. I was definitely in someones house. I walked down the hallway and into a living room. No one was there, I noticed it was still day time.

What time is it?

Then I realized that my scythe is gone.

That bitch took my scythe.

"You're awake." I turned around and glared at the girl from the alleyway. She had a blank expression on her face like she wasn't scared.

What is with all these people not showing emotions?!

"I know who you are, Issac Foster."

"Yeah? So what? Do you want a reward?" I half yelled. She sighed and walked to the living room.

"I didn't call the police. I decided to help you." She said sitting down.

"Who the hell are you?" I kept on glaring at her.

"My names Y/n L/n. if you're wondering where your weapon is, its over there." She pointed to the corner of the living room. "I'm washing your jacket if you don't mind." I quickly grabbed my sycthe and swung it around her neck. She didn't flinch or jump she just stood still like a doll which made me angry.

"Stop making that face you bitch."

"What face?" She now looked at me confused. I lowered my weapon. "I helped you and this is how you're going to repay me?" She got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

"Uh. Yeah.." I sat on the couch a little disappointed.

If she was lying the cops would already arrived a long time ago.

Few minutes passed and she brought me soup.

"I'll bring you your jacket." She then left the room. I haven't ate in who knows what. This was probably the only meal I had in a really long time. She came back and gave me back my jacket. It look cleaned for once too.

"If you want to take a shower the bathroom is down the hallway to the right. You'll find it." She said and left the room again. When I was done with my food and I got up and headed to the bathroom.


I'm actually proud of myself for once. He needs help and I know he's been through a lot, and deserves more. I sat on my bed working on Sara homework again it was frustrating. When I was finally done I stretched and took a break I headed to my bathroom to take a shower.

I wondered if Isaac is done with his shower?

I decided when I was done I was going to check on him. I walked out of the bathroom with my new clean pair of clothes on. And walked into the living room, no Isaac. I walked to the bathroom he used, no Isaac. So I walk to the bedroom I laid him in. There he was.

"You ok?" I asked him slowly opening the door. He jump a little and looked at me. He was sitting on the bed, his back facing me. I noticed that he was still wet and his bandages were coming off. He had a bunch of scars all over his body but he had muscle which made me blush and I quickly closed the door. "I-I'm sorry I should have knocked." Then the door opened again relieving Isaac Foster. He had a towel around his waist his chest was exposed and abs still dripping wet. He smirked.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?"

"What! N-no." I looked away trying to cover up my blushing face. "I'm going to bed." I walked away from him and headed to my room. I close the door behind me and took a deep breath and crawled into bed.

Don't Love || A Zack x Reader Angel of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now