Chapter Fifty-Six: You Won A Fight

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Erica and Robin joined us on top of the elevator, where we silently watched from the grates as the door opened and two men came in, communicating in Russian and grabbing boxes to haul away. Steve held a finger to his lips, his eyes falling on the green cylinder that was still in Erica's hands. The second the men left and the door began to close, Steve jumped down through the hatch and slid across the floor, putting the cylinder underneath the door to prop it open.

"Let's go!" Erica tossed Steve her backpack and he tossed ti through the small gap before Erica jumped down and slid through it. "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go."

"I'm going!" 

"Henderson, go, go!" Dustin slid through as the cylinder began to crack. Robin slid through next as quickly as possible, and then Steve pushed me through, sliding under himself just mere seconds before the cylinder shattered and sent the door clattering down, sending up a puff of smoke as the green substance inside sizzled against the surfaces, melting through it almost instantly.

"Geez!" Steve exclaimed.

"You still wanna drink that?" Robin asked Erica.

"Holy Mother of God."  Dustin said, causing us all to turn around to face an extremely long corridor just behind us.

"Well...hope you guys are in good shape." Steve stated. He walked past to lead the way, patting Dustin's chest as he went. "I'm lookin' at you Roast Beef." I looked at his shirt, saying that it said 'Roast Beef' on it.

"Oh, ok, got it." I said, slightly jogging to fall into step beside Steve. "You know, what you did back there...very Indiana Jones."

"Right?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Seriously Steve, the way you take charge...its unbelievable. Its really incredible to watch, I could see you being an awesome manager or something some day." I said. "Not to mention the fact that its insanely attractive." He chuckled.

"Well I figured I had to try and catch up. When your girlfriend is basically an action hero, you've gotta earn some street cred when you can." I smiled, shaking my head.

"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is impressive." Dustin stated.

"What are you talking about?" Steve questioned. "Its a total fire hazard. There's no stairs, there's no exit, its just an elevator that drops you halfway to Hell."

"Well, I guess when you're evil Russians hiding from the American government, a fire isn't really on the top of your priority list." I said.

"They're commies," Erica chimed in, "You don't pay people, they cut corners." Steve furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the little girl in confusion.

"To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking," Robin cut in, "I mean think about it, they developed the perfect system for transporting that cargo."

"It all comes into the mall like any old delivery." Dustin said.

"And then they load them onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser."

"You think they built this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?" Steve questioned.

"No. You don't build an entire secret headquarters for transporting one thing. They're using that stuff for something." I replied.

"And I very seriously doubt its something as boring as poison," Dustin threw in, "Its gotta be much more valuable, like promethium or something."

"What the heck is Promethium?" Steve asked.

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