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21.34, Serious Organized Crime Agency

Chris has put people to work, going through all of the current and former employers at Modest Management. He asked about information of everyone that worked with One Direction back in the day as well, from stage crew, musicians, stylists, and bodyguards. He's helping out with the workload as well, trying to find someone that fits the profile but so far they haven't found anything.  

He's watching the boys on his computer at the same time. They're examining the walls in every room and have been going at it for the last two hours or so. The place where they're held seems solid. Unfortunately, they haven't discovered any cameras or microphones yet. But for their own safety it's better they don't. Chris figures their kidnapper wouldn't be pleased with all if they did.

More and more secrets are revealed, which seemed to be the plan all along from the one taking them.

Zayn and Louis had drug problems? Liam as well? Chris is pretty sure he's read an interview where it said that he had a drinking problem. He's debating with himself whether or not he should put drug dealers on the list of suspects. They would have the finances to do this but on the other hand, why would they be so determent to make Louis and Harry a couple again and how would they even know they were one in the first place or that they broke up? He decides to rule out drug dealers.

22.47, Unknown location

"There's no way out of here. I'm going to bed." Louis finally says as they're done examining the last wall.

"Is it safe to sleep? We don't know if someone will come for us during the night." Liam questions.

"If they wanted to hurt us or kill us they would have done that instead of locking us in here." Louis argues with an eye roll.

"Louis has a point." Harry says.

"Don't agree with me." Louis growls.

"I know how much you enjoy being right." Harry huffs.

"Guys, stop. Please!" Niall pleads.

Both Harry and Louis sigh.
"Do as you please. Good night." Louis says and walks to his bedroom and closes the door behind him.

Harry looks embarrassed.
"I'm really sorry guys. We didn't break it off on good terms."

"We get it, or not really. I can't believe you broke it off in the first place. You were always LouisandHarry. You don't love him anymore?" Niall questions with a sad look on his face.

Harry stares at him before he turns around and heads for his room.
"Good night."

Niall grabs Liam's arm in excitement as soon as he leaves.
"Guys, he didn't say no!"

"You cornered him Ni. Maybe he just thought it was none of our business." Zayn says.

"I refuse to believe that. There's still hope!" Niall grins.

"We don't know who broke up with who or how it went down. What if Louis doesn't love Harry anymore?" Liam questions.

They look at each other and then they shake their heads at the same time.
"No." Liam says.

"Not possible." Zayn agrees.

"Harry fell first but Louis fell harder." Niall states.

They head to their rooms as well and call it the night.

23.04, Serious Organized Crime Agency

The screen shows all five boys sleeping and Chris turns it off. He decides to get a couple of hours of sleep so he can start fresh the next morning. They haven't found anyone worth looking into at Modest Management. He's out of ideas for the moment and needs to get some sleep so he can look at the case with fresh eyes the next morning. They didn't find any fingerprints in the car or anything else that would be useful. The cars must have been paid in cash and without any plates, it's impossible to find out if they're registered to anyone. He has no clue how to proceed.

17112018, 09.14, Unknown location

"Good morning guys, slept well?" Liam asks as the four others come strolling into the kitchen.

"The beds are comfortable." Zayn says which isn't really an answer to the question but Liam accepts it.

"Harry! Please make us pancakes." Niall pleads with puppy eyes.

Harry let out a soft laugh and looks around to see if everyone agrees. When even Louis nods his head Harry opens the fridge to see if there are any eggs, trying his best to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. It's just silly. Louis just has to acknowledge his existence for them to come alive. It has always been like that. He has to get over him. They're getting a divorce for crying out loud. It's over. His trail of thoughts really dampers his mood.

He finds the ingredients he needs and starts to whip up a batch.
"You know what's weird mates?" Zayn asks out of the blue.

"Weirder then getting kidnapped and put here?" Liam questions with a smirk. He tries to keep it light and fun even if he doesn't like the situation they're in.

"Ehm, this kind of goes hand in hand. You all have new clothes on you so I assume you found a wardrobe full of clothes in your rooms as well?" Zayn asks.

The boys nod their heads.
"Mine is full of clothes that are totally my style." Zayn says and looks around.

"Mine too." Harry says.

"Yeah." Liam confirms and Louis and Niall nod their heads as well.

"So, does this mean that our kidnapper knows us?" Zayn questions.

The room becomes silent before Niall speaks up.
"There are millions of photos of us online. It can't be that hard to pick outfits for us even if you don't know us."

"Yeah, that's true." Zayn sighs and they drop the subject.

When Harry is done flipping pancakes they all sit down to eat together.
"This is nice. It's just like the old days. I've missed you guys!" Niall grins.

10.17, Serious Organized Crime Agency

Chris wrinkles his eyebrows. Zayn was on to something there. Niall could of course be right as well but it's worth having in mind while looking for suspects. He adds 'knows them well?' to his profile list.

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