Ashleys POV

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I was wondering what secrets she was holding from me but this was huge the fact she could sing and play I mean that couldn't be bigger I have a hot girlfriend who sings ans plays piano that's awesome.

"Babe what's your favorite holiday" I asked

"Halloween its so fun to be myself and not have people hare" she answered. Halloween's in a week I was gonna do something big for her.

"That's a great reason to like halloween" I told her as I laughed

"Its an amazing reason to like halloween" she said laughing with me.

" yes ap are you going out on halloween?"

" nope probably not Portia hates halloween because of our step-dad but I wouldn't have anyone to go with so no" she answered

"I don't have a show that night lets dress up and go out to a party.please babe?????"I said grabing her waist and pulling her to me

"Well what will we be or who will we be?" She asked

"We could go as vampires or we can go as bonnie and clide or a gypsy and a male gypsy. I love the gypsy idea" I said chuckling to my self

"How about you go as van-helsing and ilk go as the vampires in human gypsy form????" She said biting her bottom lip

"Mmmmmm okay I like that idea" I said pulling her closer and grabing her ass. She jumped and leaned in to kiss me her lips as soft and velvet.

"Take it easy killer" she said laughing. " we better get back to the bus before everyone gets curious" we both walked out and just smiled as we walked to the bus. When we got there the door was wide open that's not right its never open and no one was inside hmm that ment we had tine to ourselfs Ohh what to do.

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