Chapter 200!!!!!!!

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~~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~
We have come so far. We have conquered it all. We made a lot of progress in the time we have spent together. Trust is one thing we really need to work on. I tell him not ask my sister and he asked her anyway! But I can't be mad at him for doing so because I would've done the same. He knows now. I'm a horrible mother. Stormie has been taking care of him for me. She's taking care of him now so we can catch up. I've been taking drugs since the whole situation in New York. I needed an escape and I got it. But now I quit. I gave up. I just wanted to be away for awhile. I just have one fear. Letting go.

"I'm sorry." He said. "It's okay." I say. "No it's not! I invaded your privacy!" He said. I smiled creeping him out a bit. "Your not a bad mother. I understand." He said. He can read me like a book I tell you. "I love you!" I said as I cupped his face. He was totally confused about what was happening. "It's time. I called your siblings." I tell him. His face falls. "For what?" He asked. "Your family. We're all family. Now that were not taking any shit from anyone, I need you to focus." I tell him. "Focus on?" He asked. "Your career. Your siblings need you. You have a show tomrrow night. Let's spend this time and give it our all." I say. He was following and I could tell by the look in his eyes. I love him with every vein, muscle, tissue, cell, organ, bone that lies in my body. Every relationship has its ups and downs. But one thing that will always repair ours is our friendship. Even as elders we will always be Beneficial Friends.
~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~
Its funny how just 2 years ago, we went from fucking to nothing to fucking to loving. This woman means everything and when I say everything, I mean everything! I looked at her as she sat on the seats. I then seen my little boy. I walked up to them both. He smiled at me. "I love you." I kissed his forhead. He's going to be our mans. Rocky thinks we should become a bunch of hoods just for a day and see what happens. I'm not taking chances, knowing the kinda neighborhoods we will be near. But then again I'd like to see that. But none of that matters right now. They matter to me. The people standing right in front of me right now. I smile as I pick him up. He laughed as he passed gas. I chuckle as she rolls her eyes. "Such kids." She said. "To be fair, one of us is a kid." I say. "Oh yeah? Which one's the adult?" She asked. I roll my eyes and admire my son. Jacob. He's definately going to be a ladies man. Look at him. Just like me. Nice shade of blonde locks on his head. Pretty face. He laughs at the most dumbest things like I do. Even though he has no idea what it might be he's laughing at. I have a feeling we'll bond over hockey. Everytime I caught him in the crib trying to hit the rattle with his fuzzy bear right above him.

I looked at the beautiful woman right infront of me. "Hello." I say. "Hi." She said. Just like the first time we met in that car. Which I own now. Its special to us. We're gonna tell Jacob that we made him in that car when he's 16. I know he'll start on some stuff at that age but no way is he going to be like his dad. He'll be like me but not completely like me. I kissed her cheek. She smiled. "We'll make more when we get back. I promise." I say. She blushes and pushes my shoulder. "Shut up! You won't be back for another 11 months. That's a long time." She said looking down. "I know it is. But look at it this way. I'm away overseas. You have Jacob and in 4 months, he's old enough to go places. You can bring him to any of our destinations any time." I tell her. She smiled slightly and sighed. "I know but that doesn't make me feel better." She said. "Then what does?" I asked.

"You. That's all. I love Jake but the more I look at him, the more I miss you." She said. He smiled raising his hands up at her. "See. Look at that smile!" She said. I smiled. "I have teeth. He just has gums." I say. "But you have that smile too. It's called the toothless smile. Looks dumb but adorable and makes my insides go all mush". She said. I chuckled. "Just promise me one thing..." She said. "What would that be?" I asked. "You'll stay insane and sane for me. Never and I mean never take bets." She said. Bets? "Rocky was taunting me." She said. Ah............ Makes sense. "Ross Lynch." Someone called. I looked and seen my jet was here. "I love you." I say as I take her hand. "I love you too." She smiled. "Do I get what I get when I behave on tour?" I smirked. "Oh yeah. You might even be lucky to tear it up." She winked. I blush. I kissed Jake goodbye then I placed him in his stroller. I took her hands and kissed her. She kissed back and held on suddenly. Like she didn't want to let go at all. I deepened our kiss. She ran her fingers through my hair and pulled my baby ones.

"Mm..." We moaned. "Get a room!!" Someone shouted. I rolled my eyes and trailed kisses into her neck. "I love you." I tell her. She snuck her nails into my scalp. "I love you too." She groaned. I put her down as I bit into her neck. "Ugh!" She said. I then let go of her. "I love you." I say. I wiped her tears off her face. "I love you too." She said. "Promise to come back with no dirt?" She asked. "I promise. And same goes to you." I say. She smiles. "Beneficial Friends." I say. She smiled as we kissed once again. She pulled away and pushed me towards the guy. I chuckle and walk away. Here I come. Tour should be fun.
Crappy ending but hey! I finished this book! I love you guys so much! Your the reason why I continue to write! I would've wrote more but I'm just running out of ideas for this book.This has been one hell of a ride! I love all the support and dedication most of you give! Over 400K reads and 6K Votes!? Amazing!! You guys are the best readers ever! You have made this my most successful book ever! There are few others but this stands about all. Thank you guys sooo much!  Your all awesome and fantastic! Love each and every one of youzzz! Comment and Vote!!!!!!!

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