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Monachopsis; The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.


Amora was always scared of the dark.

She would stroll down the halls of that dark, dark manor glancing behind her shoulder into the abyss. Even when she was little and blissfully oblivious to the plans her parents had for her, even then, as she walked down the cold corridors of the Nott family manor, she was scared.

Later Amora would realize she never knew why she was scared. She knew the darkness was scary because well, if you think about it, anything can hide there. Later on in her life she would realize, that was just the life of a Nott.

She and Theo had a generally good childhood, raised in a nice home, showered with all the riches, education, and fun she could ask for. But that was all it was.

Amoras parents were never really there. Truth be told, Amora wasn't sure she could recall ever being told she was loved.

Theo and her were trained on dueling, they were told they were above everybody else. Both were told they were invincible. They were machines.

She never really believed in pureblood supremacy. She thought it was unnecessary if anything.

Though, Amora always knew her parents never thought of them as more. Theo was a heir and Amora was another's future wife, both raised as future death eaters.

Amora coped by being strong, by only looking out for herself. She wouldn't dare let anybody cross her. She wouldn't let herself show her fear of the dark.

Though only later, would she learn the true terror of the dark.

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