Be Prepared

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After Kinyonga spied on Fuli and learned Fuli was planning on attacking in a week she raced back to Pride Rock to inform Kion. When she arrived to her surprise Kion was waiting there like he knew she was coming. "Hello your majesty, if I may ask, how did you know I was coming?" Asked Kinyonga. "That would be my doing, young Chameleon." Said a Martial Eagle that just landed beside Kion. "Kinyonga meet Anga, she's my spotter Incase Fuli tries anything, Anga meet Kinyonga my spy." Said Kion before adding. "What news do you have Kinyonga?" He asked. "Oh, that's right, Fuli and her Cheetah army are planning on attacking in one week because she was outraged that Beshte, Bunga, Ono, and Mtoto, were discovered as traitors and only having Ono survive." Said Kinyonga. "Actually, she no longer has Ono anymore either, I took care of him for good." Said Anga smirking. Kinyonga made a mental note to never get on Anga's bad side or she probably wouldn't live to see the next day. Kion started thinking. "Anga, gather as many animals that are great fighters, from Gorillas, crocodiles, and Hyenas, to Antelope, Rhinos, and Elephants, I want every animal in the Pride Lands to help defend against Fuli and her Cheetah army that way we don't lose a lot of Pride Landers to the fight." Said Kion. Anga nodded her head before taking off to go and gather up every animal that can fight so she started with Makuu and his float. While she was working on gathering up the Pride Landers Kion walked over to all the Cheetahs that abandoned Fuli's army as well as any other animals that he knew that want revenge like Makucha and his family, Melodia and her Pride that are staying in a open field with a cave big enough for them all, and he even recruited some help from the Outlands like Reirei and her Jackal family and a rather pesky group of snakes that can paralyze their victims when they bite them. Once he rounded them up and led them to Pride Rock he noticed almost every Pride Lander was there minus the Zebra's, Baboon's, and Galigo's. "Okay, everyone as I'm sure you are aware, Fuli is in chaRge of a Cheetah army that she plans to use to take over the Pride Lands, but I have a plan to stop them, they will be attacking in one week, so I want everyone of you to start training and prepare for battle because I would like all of you to help us take them down when they attack, because if we all band together they will stand no chance and we will easily over power them and defeat them, yes the battle will be hard and we may suffer a few casualties but I would be honored if you would all fight by our side to defeat Fuli and her army." Said Kion. Everyone of the herds gathered and discussed their decisions and when they all agreed with their herd leaders Kion waited for a response. "The Hippos are in." Said Basi. "So are the Gorillas." Said King Sokwe. One after the other every herd agreed to fight Fuli and her army but little did they know Fuli had recruited the help of animals outside The Pride Landers knowledge that Rafiki would recognize as soon as he sees them. Fuli has gone over to a very dense jungle where it was slightly cold but otherwise fine and she recruited the help of the Tiger clan, as well as a Wolf pack because she convinced them that Kion and his pride of lions were evil and she needed their help to save everyone from his evilness, Kinyonga however was currently thinking of how to sway the Tigers back to the correct side since she followed Fuli to both places and knew where to find the leaders so she could talk to them in private.

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