Moving Clock

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Hey guys <3 How is everyone doing?! I hope you guys enjoy this update the next chapter is CRAZY. so wait on it. But enjoy this! love you guys and thank you all seriously for all your kind words and support. I continue this story because of you all.

Sean in photo <3

“Let go of me!” I screamed, trying to move my body out of Ian’s hold. He was carrying me to the car. They lead me out some backdoor that would take us to the parking lot. “Let go!” I punched his arm.

                “Stop it right now!” Ian growled. I continued to hit his body hoping he would drop me.

                “I hate you! I hate you!” I screamed as I kicked my legs around. Suddenly my face was yanked to the side and held in place so I stared right at Sean.

                “Stop it.” He seethed silently. I bit my tongue and tried to pry my face from his hands. He let go of my face harshly and opened the backseat door. Ian placed me in and the door was slammed shut. I cried silently to myself thinking of what could happen to Damon. Sean did this on purpose-to hurt me. That bastard Sean…he doesn’t even care about me. I mean I know I wasn’t honest with him but did he really have to turn on me like this. I’m just some bitch to him. The nerve of him to call me that.

                We drove in silence the whole ride. I saw the sign saying we were entering back into the town. My ears perked up as I heard Sean on the phone. “Yeah…we found her. I’m bringing her home now. Then just tell him to wait there.” His last sentence was said aggressively. “Now’s not a good time Rick.” Rick! I leaned forward a little knowing my best friend was on the phone.

                “Rick!” I yelled. “Rick!” I screamed by the phone. Sean ended the call immediately and turned around to glare at me.

                “Don’t pull that shit again!” He snarled. I fell back into my seat and kept quiet. We finally pulled up in front of my house and I saw people standing outside. As soon as the car stopped I opened the door and jumped out the car. I ran to the first person I saw. “Mom!” I cried out. She brought me in for a tight hug and stroked my hair.

                “Oh Jamie! Thank God!” She wept. After a moment or so we pulled away from each other and I went and jumped into Eric’s arms.

                “Don’t ever do that again.” He sighed. I turned slightly to my right and saw Damon. I melted and ran to him. “Jamie.” He sighed with content as we held each other. I breathed in his smell and released all my worries. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered. Once we pulled away a group hug from Danny, Liam, and Stephan came. A throat was cleared making heads turn. Sean stood on the curb with his hands in his pockets.

                “Thank you for bringing her home.” My mom smiled and gave him a hug. I clung to Damon from the side and wrapped my arms around his waist. I caught Sean’s eyes and I quickly looked down.

                “No problem Ms. Cathy.” He smiled and spoke softly.

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