chapter 32

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Sofia told me how to get through the woods to the rock, but as soon as I get out of her line of sight I pull out my wand from my boot. I give it a small wave and I'm standing in the beautiful green moss in the woods. Easier then walking. I make my way through the trees and stop when I spot him.

He is standing on the rock, his hands in the pockets of his black jeans. I don't think I've ever seen him in anything other than his school robes or black suit. He is wearing a plain black t-shirt as well and his hair looks like it needs to be cut. I wouldn't have recognized him from the house if it weren't for the shining white hair and pale skin. He hasn't turned around yet, so I think about just leaving. I have nothing to say to him and he could try to kill me for all I know.

The last thing I need is for Sofia and her family to witness me shoving a man off a rock. I turn to leave, but he turns around at the same time. We stand there staring at each other, still too far away for me to really see his face. He steps down from the rock and walks toward me slowly.

"Olivia?" he asks. His voice comes out in more of a tremble. He comes closer to me, so we are only a few feet apart. He looks at me with his eyes full of hope and I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Malfoy? What are you doing here?" I ask sternly and his whole face drops. His eyes look slightly sunken in and just tired. He looks like he is in so much pain. I wonder what has happened to him since the war? He looks down at his feet and his hair falls in his eyes. I watch him take a deep breath and look up at me pushing the blonde strands away from his eyes.

"Your hair, it's different," he says and I cross my arms. The last time I saw him he was hugging Voldemort and he comments on my hair?

"What?" I ask and he flinches.

"Sorry, I didn't mean," he sighs. "Nevermind, I will just go." He rushes past me and something falls out of his back pocket. I pick up the small black journal and flip it over and gasp when I see my name written on the page. I flip the pages and my eyes go straight to Olivia Grace Lupin, written at the top of each page. I look up from the journal and he is staring at me with wide eyes.

"What is this?" I ask him with anger in my voice. "Why is my name written all over it and how did you even know I was a Lupin?" He opens his mouth to speak but closes it quickly.

"Olivia, let me try and explain, please," he says stepping towards me to try and grab the journal. I snatch it away from him. I open it again and see the dates scribbled on the top of the pages. I flip through hundreds of pages that date all the way back to the beginning of last school year.

"What is this?" I scream at him holding the journal up.

"The hoodie, where did you get it?" he asks me and I look down at the black large hoodie I threw on this morning.

"I- I don't know," I say stuttering. "But what does that have to do with you having some journal about me when I don't even know you!" I say backing away from him slowly.

"Was there a note in it?" He asks me calmly. His eyes look so desperate and he is starting to really scare me.

"I don't know what the hell you are talking about!" I scream and stick my hand in the pocket of the hoodie. Bloody hell. I feel the crumpled up paper inside the pocket and pull it out slowly. I look up at him with wide eyes. "Did you write this too? Is this yours?" I ask pulling on the hoodie. My head is pounding so hard like something is trying to burst out of it. I feel the tears stinging my eyes.

"Yes, I wrote it and that is mine," he says. "Do you remember the night you were at Malfoy Manor to break Lovegood out?" I nod. "Haven't you felt a little off since then? Aren't there some things you just can't explain like the hoodie and letter?"

unwritten: a draco malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now