Tournament of Gods (Part 2)

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Their weapons clash at an intense speed and power causing waves go across the arena and now holding off each other. Kulema uses her strength and push backs Ulan who does a flip and regains his stance. He then dodges the next flurry of attacks with grace easily deflect those he can and trying to sneak in several attacks. Kulema then slashes her scythe at the old man she takes control of the battle. She uses advanced moves and swings her heavy scythe as if it was light as air across the battle field. 

Ulan then starts to lock down the scythe as much as he can knowing her strength is vastly greater than him. He then uses his two batons and quickly deflects her weapon and the lands a blow on her shoulder knocking her back a bit.

Kulema ( You seem to be very tune to those weapons of yours , not just every day can a being lay harm on me.)

Ulan ( You are very dangerous.... Your Aura is very deadly and should not be under estimated especially when it comes to holding back skill.)

Kulema ( Oh my how bold and honest you are, now why don't you stop playing around and show me the moves you are hiding.)

She smiles at Ulan and then releases her Aura of death sending shivers down the crowds spines even though they are already dead. Ulan starts to sweats profusely while being surrounded by the aura and he feels a power hit in his stomach and gets sent flying by Kulemas Scythe. He then quickly gets up and takes a stance he controls his breathing and then charges at the goddess become almost invisible to see. He ends up behind her and slams his batons into her left side knocking her back having to slam her scythe into the ground catching her self from falling.

She quickly moves out of the way of Clans next attack and starts to spin her body into a tornado holding the scythe and making a high intense power originating from her. Ulan quickly backs away from the tornado and then stabs his batons into the ground and try to hold his ground. Ulan is trying to hold on to the ground as the power becomes more and more powerful Ulan then releases his grip and slides to on the ground at a quick pace and then slams his foot into Kulemas base and is knock off and crashes into the closest wall and try to regain her sense of balance but fails to due so. 

Ulan quickly grabs her fallen scythe and then rushes to her and slams the back of the scythe into her head causing her to be disoriented by the attack he then puts the blade to her neck and Helgon quickly lands and calls the match.

Helgon ( This match is over and the winner of the first match is Ulan!)

Hearing this the crowd goes wild seeing a soul win the first match of the tournament and many different opinions go flying around saying she would have won if this and that. Kulema comes to and regains her sense and figures she has lost to her own scythe she then approaches Ulan and says,

Kulema ( Good match you are a worthy opponent to even a god I hope you keep your wits about you in the next match be cause I will bet it will be even harder.)

Ulan ( thank you for the wise advice my goddess and thank you for the worthy match I am humbled by such a lesson from you.)

 The two shake hands and leave the battle field which with a wave of Zeke's hand returns to normal with no more holes or damage on it. Then nods. to Viota and calls for the next match of the tournament.

Viota ( What an exciting victory for the first match to see so much power already now lets see how the next match up will go. Now let me introduce to you one of the first gods to ever exist , she is know as the ruler of time and light. She is also the mother of love and trust, only one word can describe her power, ladies and gentlemen I present to you Eternize Goddess of Time!!!)

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now