Chapter 7: Don't underestimate the power of chickens

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Chapter 7|Don't underestimate the power of chickens


"Where have you been all day?" Cruz asked, just as I parked my tush on the dinner table seat.

What was with all these oddly comfortable seats?

The stools looked like they'd give me 'numb bum syndrome', but as I sat down my bottom felt snug against the light blue top and I was a little surprised.

"Hiding from you," I joked, stuffing my mouth with garlic bread as I carefully avoided any signs of Marianne. She was still out there, waiting to pounce.

I could feel it.

"Haha, very funny," he said, sneaking one of my pieces of garlic bread into his mouth. I slapped his shoulder and pulled my tray a little closer to me. "Seriously where were you? I've been looking for you all day. Rachel said you had to tutor someone in the library, but that was like an hour ago,"

"You do know this a school and we have classes?" Did he think I went on a short trip around Europe?

"I know that smartass, I meant like in your free period which you usually spend in that cafe down the street. I went to look for you there,"

I shrugged. "I decided this time, to go do some work in the library. You know, so I don't fail,"

Cruz rolled his eyes and flicked me on the forehead. "Your starting to piss me off,"

I scoffed.

"But guess who I did see in the cafe? Our man Chris. And he was buying some brownies,"

Ahaha yes, my precious. "So? The dude's old enough to buy some brownies for himself,"

"He's diabetic,"

"Fatal," I replied before frowning. "Wait how the hell do you know that?"

"Morgan mentioned it to us during a health lesson and we got a leaflet about it," oh yes that health lesson which I missed because I was in detention for being too swag. Haha fine you got me, I accidentally set my classmate on fire. Which was a total accident because she came in the way and my hand slipped. "So as I was asking before, who were you tutoring? You've never done it before,"

I shrugged, showing no sign on my face that it was a disturbing moment in my life that Rachel (my soon-to-be ex-best friend) had found out about in the space of ten seconds. "Just some girl from my English class. I thought it would be good for my revision too," I replied, then proceeded to stuff some Shepherds pie down my throat in an attempt not to give anything away.

Cruz narrowed his eyes at me like he could see through my bullshit. "Could it have been a girl who's second name begins with G?"

Through a mouthful of mashed potato and gravy I said. "Lacy Garfield," - quiet girl, killer dress sense. She always managed to spunk up the uniform, whether it was paired with studded boots that could impale me or just a really cute brochure, the girl was like a gothic Coco Chanel. 

   "Stop with the bullshit, Loser. I know it was Aurora," he looked at me disgusted and threw a couple of napkins at my face. "And swallow your food before you speak, it's disgusting,"

   My bad, mother.

   I rolled my eyes at my drama queen of a cousin and begrudgingly wiped my mouth and swallowed the delicious pie. A little too delicious...Marianne was definitely up-to something.

   "Excuse you," I spoke, taking a sip of water. "I was enjoying my - possibly last - meal and you're here interrogating me,"

   He looked annoyed. The audacity. "Of course I am, especially when you don't tell me anything." Cruz muttered seriously. "The rumours have to come from somewhere,"

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